Adventure in the stars

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Great. Stuck with an old man was not what you had in mind, but at least he's not hurting you. As a matter of fact, the dude's got some pretty logic stuff to say out there for the world. Would they listen? Probably not, but he does seem to know more than others out there. The fact of his intelligence is so great, he still seemed to be bummed out about anything. His existence, his work, even his own family. The Morty kid he talks about is mostly who he seems to look down to. He seemed to be so close with that kid, and you wonder what he's like to you.
"Pretty stupid." He answered to that thought, chugging down the alcohol he had at hand.
"He's always shaky and shy about everybody, especially to girls. When it comes to babes, he's aaaall teenager boy about it. The ol' puberty bullshit." He gestured his hands about as he continues, burping at the last sentence.
You crossed your arms, raising a brow. "Sheesh, aren't you blunt about stuff?"
"When it's science, you always have to be blunt. If not, what's the point in doing science anyway?" He asked, looking over to you. You shrugged, not knowing what to say. He is like a teacher, you thought. A teacher who's both helpful and still of a doubt. But who are you to blame? He's elder, obviously older than you. He seemed to question you too, by his looks. He seemed to react after your responses, and didn't seem to take you seriously at times. Perhaps you're in Morty's "shoes" when you're with this guy. While looking at the stars, you saw ships passing by. You didn't seemed to be phased about it, because hey, is Rick isn't panicking, you shouldn't be. It made you question, is there something that maybe that's going on in his mind right now? It's been silent for a while.
"Hey, Rick, what are you up to in that head of yours?" You asked, putting your head on your hand against the window.
It took him a moment, and he finally opened his mouth.
"Does that even concern you?"
"No, but it's really quiet in here."
Rick rolled his eyes.
"I don't have time for your friend talk right now. D-Does that even matter?"
You raised a brow, your smirk fading.
"Matter? Of course not. I hardly know you, but hey, if you pulled me into some situation that only you could of pulled, at least try talking to me at the right time? I mean, this is one of them."
He squinted, and faced back at where he was driving the ship.
You sat there, waiting for an answer. But it seemed he just ignored you like wind.
Guess you'll sit there and take a small nap then, since he didn't seem to care.

Soon, you'll land on Earth.

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