Chapter One: Birthday Surprises

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I laugh as Daniel drags me through the house in my pajamas. "What are you doing?" I ask. It was 11:53 at night. Daniel was 17 and had that face of boyish charm, his hair was short and a light brown color and did that flip thing you only see in movies. His skin was slightly tanned, most girls at our school think he's cute, and I suppose he is but he's like a brother to me. It's no surprise that he came over, he has a key and everything but why he was here I had no idea.

"Just trust me okay, you're gonna love it. Here put this on." He through me some clothes. I stand there unmovingly staring at my best friend. "Jessica helped me pick it out, she's downstairs waiting for us you have seven minutes until your birthday, so hurry up and trust me okay?" He laughs and leaves me in my bathroom to get ready for god knows what.

"Fine but I'm taking a shower." I say and I hear a chuckle outside the door. Daniel Young was my best friend since kindergarten, neither of s ever went through a cooties stage and we thought we were going to marry each other. Now it seems kind of ridiculous, we're so close it's almost as if he's my brother. He lives in the house across from me with his mom and two brothers.

I get out of the shower a few minutes later and check the time, 11:58pm. Two minutes until I'm 17. I look at the clothes he and Jessica picked out. "Mostly leather, I'm impressed." I say. They had a pair of leather jeans and a small leather jacket with it that hugged my arms. The shirt was a blue corset that showed off the little bit of figure I have. I complete the outfit with a pair of black mock up ballet slippers. I look in the mirror and even I have to admit I look hot. My hair could use some brushing. It fell just short of my shoulders and got lighter at the bottom. I ran through it a bit and put some lipstick on, I'm not one for make up but it seemed appropriate for my outfit. I came out to find Daniel talking to Jessica outside the door. "So where are we going?" I ask. They both turn to me.

"You look hot V." Jessica says sizing me up. Daniel stands eyes bulging at the sight of me in the outfit.

"Forget hot, you look downright sexy." He says, voice cracking a bit when he called my sexy. Just then his watch goes off in a faint beep. He turns it off and smiles. Before I can ask what's up he envelopes me in a huge bear hug. He kisses the top of my head and I laugh, typical Daniel. "Happy birthday, Princess." He says finally releasing me. He holds up a finger telling me to wait before reaching into his bag and placing a tiara on my head.

"No way." I say

"Wha-" He scoffs, "Please?" He asks, pouting. I remain unfazed and he fakes a whimper. "Pretty please Princess Ivy." He says in his baby voice, making me laugh.

"Fine." I say grabbing the tiara from my head and adjusting it. I look over to Jessica. She wore a flowery dress with pink converse. Typical I think. Jessica moved here two years ago and despite the differences between us, we quickly became best friends. Just her, Daniel and me ever since then, the 3 musketeers forever. "Good?" I ask she nods.

"Alright, it's time to go, otherwise we're gonna be late." Daniel says, Jessica heads to the door and I follow. When we get to the car Daniel runs to open the door for Jessica and I. Jess sits in the back but, since it's my birthday, I get to sit shot gun. Daniel takes the drivers seat and begins to drive, I watch the scenery go by and rest my head.

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask.

"I told you, you gotta trust me." He says. I sigh.

"Whatever you say"

A/N: Thank you for giving this story a chance, I hope you like the first chapter I just wanted to give you a small grasp of Ivy's life before Axel shows up in her life. Next chapter will reveal where she's headed and introduce our main bad boy; Axel Wood.

For a quick look at Ivy's outfit click on the following link to take a look I made it myself:

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