Chapter 7: Let Them Eat Cake

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Mom came in through the garage door laughing. "What's with the table in the door?" She giggles at the boys obvious struggle to fit it. 

"Daniel thought we could play round table, it seemed like a good idea at the time." I said, slightly embarrassed for the boys. 

"Mhm." She said skeptically. She taps politely on Herc's shoulder. "Put it outside real quick I got an idea." She says knowingly. They do as she asks and I follow them outside to watch Mom school everyone, and sure enough with a flip of a switch, the table folds in half and the boys turn red at their stupidity. "Now try it." She says laughing.

"Mom, what happened to giving me a big entrance?" A voice sounds from the garage door and we all look to see the new guest. Sure enough, it was Jessica, her blonde hair done up in a cute messy bun and with the cute nerdy look she only does for me. She's wearing a short school girl skirt with a tacky over-sized sweater and a pair of fake glasses. I give her a quick hug and she looks up at Axel. "Care to introduce me to your friend?" She asks. I felt a small hint of hatred at the way she was looking at him:  he was a complete ass, why would she be attracted to him? 

"Er- okay. Um, this is Axel, my new neighbor. I met him at the movies last night." I say. For a brief moment she was confused about my movie comment but she quickly nodded knowingly.

"Right. Nice to meet you." She says extending a hand, "I'm Ivy's best friend, Jessica." Flirtation obvious in her voice, making Axel look a little uncomfortable, and making me a little uncomfortable too. What was going on with me? It's not like this is the first time Jess has flirted in front of me, I've never been this wigged out about it before. Daniel notices the slight change in my demeanor and is quick to rescue.

"Best friend?" He laughs teasingly, "I don't think so, you'll have to fight me for that position, newby." He laughs and Jess turns her attention to Danny.

"Alright-" she says, "what about co-best friend?" She says.

"That sounds more like it, but we all know I'm V's favorite." He says, winking at me. I laugh as the two bicker. Axel taps me on the shoulder, tentatively. 

"Hey, can I, uh, ask you a favor?" He asks in hushed tones.

"Yeah?" I say and before I know it I get a face full of cupcake.

"Can you tell me if this cupcake's very good?" He says barely suppressing his laugh. I wipe frosting out of my eyes and glare up at him.

"Jerk." I say.

"Bitch." He says back and in a moment I'm offended and in the next I realize what he just did. He made a reference. A Supernatural reference. I love Supernatural to no end. He cocks an eyebrow at me as I grin. "You okay?"  He asks.

"You watch Supernatural." I say. Maybe there's hope for him yet! 

"Now and then. Why?" He asks

"It's my favorite show." I say. 

"Well it's a good thing that I have the complete first through eighth seasons then." He says.

"Really?" I ask excitedly. Finally something we can do without me wanting to kill him.

"No," he says, "But you should've seen the look on your face." I hit him hard on the shoulder and scowl at him.

I go upstairs to wash the cupcake off my face and when I come back down I see everyone in a circle. "Hey V! We're playing Truth or Dare. Wanna join?" Jess asks excitedly.

"Sure." I say sitting between Jess and Axel. "Did we just start?" I ask. 

"Yeah. We all failed at round table so we thought this would be more fun." Daniel says walking toward the circle with an empty coke bottle. "Care to do the honors, princess?" He asks sitting between me and Jess.

"Gladly." I say, doing my best British accent as I take hold of the bottle in the center and give it a quick spin. It lands firmly on Blaze and I smirk. "Truth or Dare?" I ask.

"Truth." He says.

"Wimp." I sigh, and he shrugs. I take a few seconds to think. "Exactly how many girls have you fucked?" I ask, honestly curious if the player keeps track.

"Honestly I've lost count, but in the last week there's been five." He says and I wrinkle my nose.

"You're such a pig." I laugh and smile at him. "But you're a likable pig, so I guess that's alright." I say quickly. Blaze reaches for the bottle and with a flick of the wrist it's sent spinning. it lands shakily between me and Daniel but, thankfully, lands on Daniel.

"Truth." Daniel says immediately. I look at him in shock. He never picks truth.

"Okay, um..." Blaze ponders a moment. "Have you fucked anyone?" He asks.

"No." Danny says incredulously. "Of course not."

"Weird. You totally could if you wanted to, your not too bad man." Blaze says and Danny gets defensive.

"Why do you care are you offering?" He says.

"Danny- just spin the bottle." I say softly putting my hand on his shoulder. He calms down immediately and looks at me before nodding.

His hand finds the bottle and spins it without a moments hesitation. This time landing firmly on me. I laugh. "You know me." I say, looking at him.

"That I do." He says, a new look flashed in his eyes. Something I don't remember ever seeing before and a look I knew could ruin everything. Axel taps on Daniel's shoulder quickly and Daniel turns his gaze to the blonde haired boy. "What?" He asks, his tone losing all traces of friendliness.

"Danny, are you alright? You've been a little-"

"A little what?" He says angrily before looking at me apologetically, "I-I'm sorry, V, you know I didn't mean to raise my voice at you like that." He grabs onto my hand and runs his thumb over it like he did when we were kids. "You want a dare." He says sweetly. I nod happily. 

"Daniel, you sure you know what you're doing, bro?" Herc says, what does he know? What did they talk about before? Daniel only looks at me, a small smile on his face.

"Kiss me." He says, and everyone except Herc is taken aback, I take my hand out of his grasp shyly. 

"What?" I ask a little scared. I'd never thought of him that way but now that I think about it, he never dated anyone, he never even looked at anyone else. It should have been obvious, but for some reason it wasn't.

"Kiss me." He says again. "Please? Princess?" 

A/N: Sorry for the slow update my brother has had my computer for a few days. I hope you guys liked the chapter I certainly enjoyed writing it. I'll update again tomorrow. Love you all! 

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