Chapter Five: Home at Last

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When I walk in I go straight to my room and exchange the corset and leather for more preferable, much more comfortable clothes. I wear my Harry Potter shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I ruin downstairs to say hi to my mom and all her if she would french braid my hair. 

"So did you meet the new neighbor boy?" Mom asks as her fingers delicately collect the hairs on my head.

"Unfortunately." I groan. 

"That bad?" She asks. "I was thinking maybe you two could be friends." She says

"Yeah, cause I need more friends."

"Ivy, you have two." She said her voice stern.

"What? Does a girl really need more than two friends?" I ask. "And besides, who needs friends when I have you and my boys to keep me occupied."

"Hate to break it to you sweety, but your boys are fictional. Fictional boys don't get me grandbabies." She says and I sigh.

"Fine, I'll try to make more friends." I say

"Good cause I invited Axel over for cake and ice cream at your party and he may bring a few friends." 

"What!?! Mom!" I say jumping away from her, though I immediately regret it seeing as she had a hold on some of my hair.

"Calm down, and get over here, do you want your hair braided or not?" She says

"I'm assuming not." Says a husky voice from the door to the kitchen. I look up to see Daniel. I smile at him and sit back in my chair for Mom to finish my braid.

"When did you get back?" I ask and he sits in the chair right beside me.

"Jessica and I got back around tenish since she insisted she had a lot of prep work to do for your birthday party." He rolls his eyes. Jessica was the girlier out of us two. While I was the one for jeans and fandom merch, she was the one to wear dresses and flower prints. We were polar opposites when it came to style but we could both admit that each other looked cute. "Speaking of which, how did you enjoy your present?" He asks.

"I liked it very much, thank you, Danny." I say and he grins.

"What was her gift anyway? Jessica never told me what the birthday surprise was." Mom asked, I can see the panic in Daniel's eyes and grab his hand signalling him to let me handle this.

"They took me to a late night showing of Before We Go." I say, I know lying to your mother is bad and all, but I'm so damn good at it.

"Oh? Was it good?" She asked, I knew really she didn't care but nonetheless I came up with the best answer based on what I knew about the movie.

"Yeah, Chris Evans is bae and I totally ship Brick." I say. She gives me a look that I know means I've convinced her of my story.

"Didn't that movie come out last year?" She asked. Crap.

"It was at the drive in, they did a double feature, it was romance night so they did that and The Notebook." Daniel said. 'Thank you' I mouth toward him. That was a close one, I really need to do my research.

"Was Axel there?" She asked. "I saw him drop you off this morning."

"Y-yeah, he was on a date and I  happened to meet him while I was getting popcorn." I said

"Hmm." She said and she takes her hands off my hair, "Well there you are. You two can watch the house, I need to stop by the store to get the cake." I stand and she gives me a quick hug and kiss. She raps Daniel in a quick hug as well. "Good to see you too, as usual." And with that she leaves, We wait until we hear the car drive away before allowing our composure to slip.

"That was a close one." I said

"You think she bought it?" 

"I think she has suspicions, but I doubt she'll question it much further, thank god." I say and we laugh a little. I hear a thud upstairs and we both jump. 

"Is there anyone else in the house?" He asks eyes not wavering from the ceiling above us.

"Not that I know of." I respond, glancing at the stairs in the hallway. My hand finds my cell phone and passes it to Daniel. "If you don't hear from me in five minutes call the cops." I say.

I creep slowly up the stairs. Shit I'm gonna die like they do in the movies. What the fuck am I doing, everyone knows you don't go towards the noise. I think to myself. I hear a low voice coming from my room and push the door open with caution.

"Told you I was no chicken." Says a familiar cocky voice, laughing. Axel. In the distance I hear two others encouraging the law breaker. I open the door a little wider and survey the seen. I make eye contact with Herc Coleman and Blaze Stewart. Their smiles fall. "Hey what's up? You look like you've seen a dead guy."

"They haven't yet but they're about to." I say and Axel looks back at me with a start, but only for a second does his smile falter. 

"That's pretty big talk, for such a small bean." He says closing in, "I just thought I'd come around a little early for your party, which your mother was so kind to invite me to." He smirks, mere inches away from me. How can one guy be so agitating. "Did she tell you she invited me?" His eyebrows furrow. "She said I could bring a few friends if I wanted. Apparently she thinks you need more friends, and you know what puppet?" He leans in and whispers in my ear, his breath warm on my bare skin, I'm starting to regret the braid now. "I do too." He backs away with a wink. "Come on guys, we got the okay!" He yells back at his buddies.

"You're an asswipe you know that?" I say and he laughs.

"Most people call it 'charming'" He says.

"It's okay Daniel, it's just a couple of dick headed, flying monkeys from the land of Oz!" I yell. As much as I hate Axel, I don't want him going to jail just yet. He looks at me in confusion as he helps Herc through the window.

Not only is he living next to me but he just had to get the room closest to my bedroom window. This is gonna be a long year.

A/N: I'm actually pretty proud of this I can't wait to do more with this, I think we all guessed that their rooms would be close together but Axel's whole demeanor is literally killing me, and I created him. Hope you liked this chapter, if so please vote if not oh well. Don't be shy! Tell me what you think in the comments, also I'm looking for some good pictures for the chapters to come I'd like to thank The_walking_potato21 for the awesome pictures we've had so far for the last four chapters (Chapter One and the cover are mine) I'd love to have some more pictures for future chapters so I'd love to see what you got.

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