Chapter Four: Clothes, Cars, & Cats

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I stare down at my phone for what feels like the millionth time to check on my cats. Herc looks over my shoulder and busts up laughing. "Don't tell me you play that stupid Kitty Collector game? It's so stupid." I he say through fits of laughter

"You're stupid." I retaliate. Good one Ivy, wait to be mature about it. "Don't judge me pretty boy, I don't have enough friends to have a real life." I say and he smiles.

"Well, how many friends do you have?" He asks.

"Two." I say, "Daniel and Jessica."

"Ouch." Axel says, taking one hand off the steering wheel to clutch his chest. "Now that hurt, princess."

"Shut up, you're only being nice to me cause Herc told you to." I say I turn to see Herc sitting back staring at his hands.

"I thought we were friends." He said

"Come on Herc don't be such a pansy, she didn't mean anything by it." Axel says, but my gaze is stuck on Herc.

"Are we friends?" He asks.

"I-" I say, "I don't really know. Sometimes I think you are, but you're you. Popular and sportsy and I'm invisible." I say and he looks up confuse. I laugh a little. "Come on, Herc. Think about it. If I didn't let you borrow my work, if you didn't just DJ my party, would you really recognize my name?"

He ponders a moment and shakes his head, "I guess you're right." He says with a smile. "Well I guess it's a good thing you let me borrow your work." He says cheerily.

"Okay serious talk right now," Axel says eyes focused on the road. "Being invisible's fun and all, but it doesn't get you anywhere." He says a look of determination clear in his eyes. "It's nothing to scoff at either, it hurts. You can't just be a doormat the rest of your life." His eyes don't waver from the road at all. We sit in silence, both Herc and I in utter shock at the seriousness in his tone.

"Axel?" I ask after the silence begins to get uncomfortable. He looks over at me briefly and smirks.

"Hey, now, I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life princess, I'm just saying I know what it's like. A friend of mine back in the day he thought he was invisible and he let everyone walk all over him. He let everyone come to him with his problems. In the end, though he realized that being invisible like that only meant he'd get hurt." He parks outside my house and looks me in the eye.

"How did you know where I live?" I ask.

"Oh? You didn't hear?" He says innocently, "I'm your new neighbor." He smirks playfully and his eyes shine mischievously.

Good Grief.

"I still don't have anything to cover up the corset." I say realizing we forgot to stop by the store.

"Relax, princess." He takes off his hoodie and passes it to me with a wink. "You can wear this, if you promise to give it back to me." I can't help suppress the blush that comes to my cheeks as I slip on the jacket. The scent of campfire and axe fill my nose. I thank him for the ride and stride out of the car towards my door wit one thought on my mind.

Best. Birthday. Yet.

A/N: I know it's a short chapter I'm so sorry my sweets. On the bright side it's spring break which means I'll have more time to update. Don't be shy if you want to comment I always respond, unless I know you personally then I text you later. But I'd love to hear from you!

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