Chapter 9: My Boys

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***A/N: So sorry for not updating I just hate writing on anything other than my laptop I've just been so busy, I've been trying to update everything I have once a week so I don't have to worry about upsetting you lovelies. So here is an extra chapter for today just in case I miss tomorrow. Love ya! <3***

It had been a week since my party and Daniel hasn't talked to me since. He seemed to be really hurt over what went down and I didn't know what I could do to fix it, and on top of Daniel completely ignoring me, it seemed that Jessica's parents had decided that this is the year they were moving to Yamhill. Fortunately, it wasn't like it could get any worse.

"Hey V. How's it going?" I heard Herc's voice from behind me, I looked up from my seat in the cafeteria to see not only him, but Blazeand Alex as well. "Mind if we sit here?" He asked, I shook my head and he took the seat to my left.

"You've been down since your party and we figured you could use some friends." Blaze said taking the seat across from me. He was surprisingly sweet when he wanted to be.

"What better way to cheer you up than sitting with three stunningly attractive men." Alex said, sitting to your right. You smirked at his comment.

"You know what, you're right." I said and he grinned smugly. "You wouldn't happen to know where I can find some would you?" Herc stifled a laugh while Alex's smile fell. He turned to face away from me and I laughed. "Come on, I'm sorry." I said and he continued to act offended. "Come on, please? You're very pretty." I said, and he turned back around his smile back on.

"That's what I thought." He said laughing with me.

We all talked for a bit and starting wandering the halls. "So, Duncan. After school today the three of us were gonna go to my house, hang out, maybe get some swimming in before it gets too cold. You in?" Blaze said. I thought about it for a bit and reluctantly agreed, it wasn't that I didn't want to come, it was only on how I would get my mom to agree to this.

"Sweet, it'll be way more fun with you there." Herc said with a friendly smile that you gladly returned.

"You should wear a two piece, you got the body for it, might as well show it off." Alex said with a wink. I laughed.

"Only if you wear a speedo." I said and we were all laughing.

"If you wanted to get me out of my cloths, princess, you could've just asked." He replied. How was it so easy to hang out with these guys. I thought for sure after Jessica left and Daniel stopped talking to me I would just fall off the radar, but these boys made me feel at home, like I had a place here. The bell rang and to my surprise, Blaze was the first one to leave.

"I'd better get to class before Mr. Feraro decides to mark me absent again. Later Duncan." He said, grabbing my ass as he walked by. He turned around when he heard me gasp and gave a quick wink before running off.

"Is that normal for him?" I ask.

"Pretty sure that's his way of saying you're his friend." Herc said. "I'd better get going too, AP Science is kicking my ass." He said, he gave me a peck on the cheek and went running. I looked at Alex and he just smiled.

"What?" He asked.

"Aren't you gonna scamper off?" I asked as I waited outside the door to English/Language Arts.

"I would, but you see, I got this schedule change." He said handing me a slip of paper. Sure enough, after lunch, he had all the same classes with me. He snatched the slip back up and winked at me. "Get used to seeing this face everyday, cause I don't feel like making new friends."  I rolled my eyes. I surprisingly didn't despise his company, in fact I kinda liked having him and the guys around all the time, sure they flirt to no end, but they really did cheer me up today and I really like to be around them. Not just the boys, but my boys. My friends.

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