Chapter 5

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Olivia P.O.V

The rest of the week Reece was apologising every chance he got, but i still didn't forgive him, i feel a bit guilty for not forgiving, but he deserves it. Today is Saturday and guess what i'm doing absolutely nothing, i'm bored out of my head. All i'm doing right now is watching adventure time and eating popcorn, well that was what i was doing until the door bell rang. I got up and headed towards the door, i opened it to find a boutique of roses, my favourite, i picked them up and closed the door. I went to the Kitchen to get a vase, but a piece of card dropped on the floor, i picked it up and started reading.

Dear Olivia,

I know i messed up

but please let me do something right

I will take you out

Just as friends

Please say yes

an  Reece :) xxxx

Just as friends? Wow, i felt like my heart has been stabbed multiple of times, i know he has a girlfriend and we fell out, but i really really like him. I flipped the card over to find more writing.

P.S I'm outside.

I dropped the card and ran to the front door, opened it and i found Andy against his car with a smile plastered on his gorgeous face. I smiled back and walked towards him. "Thanks for the roses." 

"No problem, i know there your favourite." I looked at him confused. "I saw you talking to the florist the other day when you were buying flowers."

"Oh." i looked down, i couldn't think of anything to say.

"So want to go out?" i looked back up at him with hope but he had to add on "As friends." 

He gave me the puppy dog eyes which i couldn't help but find adorable and couldn't say no to, and he knew it. I gave in and nodded. "Let me get changed first, you can come and wait inside if you want." 

"OK." he locked his car and we both walked into my house.

"Make yourself at home." i told him and i ran upstairs to get changed. When i did get changed i looked at myself in the mirror, in the bathroom. I looked down at my razors, i was about to pick one up but i just shook my head and took a deep breath and kept repeating don't do it. It's been a couple of weeks since i did it last, i'm surprised i didn't do it last week, but it didn't even cross my mind until now. I looked at myself in the mirror again and smiled which looked obviously fake. I walked downstairs to find Reece looking at some pictures of me and my parents which were on the fireplace.

"Are these your parents?" he asked me while pointing a picture which was on my 12th birthday. 

"Yeah." i said and we both stood starring at the photo.

"Where are they?" he asked me, still keeping his gaze on the photo.

"Hopefully heaven." i told him, that's when he turned towards me with sympathy in his eyes. "Please don't give me sympathy."

"Sorry." he turned back around to look at the photo.

I took a deep breath. "It happened when i was thirteen." i felt his stare on me now but i kept looking at the photo. "They were taking me to where they work because i always wanted to go, they were huge producers in the music business. We turned the radio on and Guns n' Roses were playing so we all started to sing, that's when a driver hit us full force and my parents went straight through the front window and on to the road, all i could do was sit there in my seat with glass all over me cutting everywhere, they died on that road, but at least they were side by side, so they didn't die alone. After that day i was an orphan, i was stuck in the orphanage for years, nobody wanted me because i was different." i rolled my eyes. "Then one day when i was 16 somebody came into the orphanage and wanted to speak to me about my parents, it was about them finding my parents will. I got everything. I even got the music studio so bands can start getting record labels there again." I looked at Reece who looked down at me with sorrow. "Sorry, can we go?" 

I didn't know it was you! (Andy sixx story) :FINISHED:Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum