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*before this point I had told her I drew something of high quality that's why the top top text talks about Picasso because I can't draw for shit*
Jaidah: I'm scared
Cheyenne: don't worry
Cheyenne: it's not as think as you bad it is
Cheyenne: Can we call farts "butt air" because fart is just fan art but abbreviated better
Jaidah: what did you just say??
Cheyenne: I saiiidddd
Cheyenne: Can we call farts "butt air" because fart is just fan art but abbreviated better
Jaidah: oh my god Cheyenne
Cheyenne: it makes sense tho
Jaidah: "butt air"
Cheyenne: Yeah or can't you just say "idk man I can't tell if I just have to pass gas or crap"
Cheyenne: But when you can google "TWD Fart"
Cheyenne: that would be the best utopia.
Jaidah: I see how it makes sense now
Jaidah: that's actually kinda smart
Cheyenne: THANK YOU

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