Cake Batter

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Cheyenne: Last time I made cookies I got cake batter all over the house.

Myah: How you get cake batter all over the house when you're making cookies?

Cheyenne: You see what had happened was...

Myah: How do you get CAKE batter everywhere when you're making COOKIES?

Cheyenne: We were making cookies and...

Jaidah: Cheyenne, CAKE BATTER.

Cheyenne: Yeah. We were making cookies...

Myah: But you said cake batter.

Cheyenne: At least I didn't say riturar. (Myah meant to say ritual)

Myah: At least I know the difference between cake and cookie batter.

Cheyenne: They're basically the same thing.

Myah: Have you tasted a cake? Have you tasted a cookie?

Cheyenne: I didn't say cake batter.

Myah: You have three people here who heard you say cake batter.

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