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Cheyenne: We need to use like 25 hashtags so we can get noticed

Jaidah and Chaster: 25 hashtags?!

Chaster: Can Cheyenne like give us a list of the 25 hashtags so I can copy and paste it?

Jaidah: I'm just going to put random stuff in my picture and tag what's in it.


Jaidah: People don't even use hashtags anymore

Chaster: ... wait, don't you use hashtags on your musical.ly?

Jaidah: That's different

Chaster: How is that different?

Jaidah: ... you know what Chaster, I wasn't prepared to get attacked tonight

Chaster: *starts laughing* I'm sorry

Jaidah: Okay I use hashtags, bUT I don't use 25 hashtags

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