Pool Party

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[Jaidah and Cheyenne were invited to a pool party.... And here's what happened....]

Cheyenne: To kick off, you have to like do a front flip and push off the wall with your feet.

Jaidah attempts to do the thing...

Jaidah goes to do the front flip but ends up sucking in a mouth full of water and chokes.


Jaidah: Hey Cheyenne look at me. I'm standing like Haru in that one episode.

Jaidah tries to do the thing but ends up hitting her head on the side of the pool


Cheyenne: Hey look. I'm an earth- I mean water bender.


Attempting to put Jaidah into one of the floaties

Jaidah: My hips can't go through.

Cheyenne: I guess you can say that your hips don't lie.


Jaidah: We should do like one of those dodgy swimming calendars...

Jaidah and Cheyenne proceed to make the stupidest poses and derpiest faces.


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