I can't think of a good title | I need friends tbh, any takers lmao wut

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I love you all so much and I don't think you guys realize how much you mean to me <3 You guys are what keeps me writing and keeps me motivated.

I love you so much even if I don't really know you please remember that you are so incredibly loved and cared for even if you don't know it. I know life gets tough but it gets better and you'll be happy one day and when you are happy it'll be the best thing ever. I want you to know that there are many other options besides suicide and if you are feeling like you are a danger to yourself or others please do tell someone. I love you so much <3 *hugs all around*

IDk what this is.
But you all should use some fluff after they died last chapter
Idk I was writing this as a high school au but nah so it's a college au but I know /nothing/ about college so no accuracy!


I tug on the long black sweater sleeves as I fumble with my locker. I'm a nervous wreck, like always. I grab my books and as I slam my locker door shut I drop my binder and then my books, I sigh and squat down, picking them up. I stand up and let out a squeal of surprise when I see my boyfriend, standing there in all his senior glory. "Love what's with the nervousness?" He asks, giving me a small half smile. I blush "I'm not sure, just had a weird start to the day I guess" I excuse, shrugging my shoulder helplessly.

Ben pulls me close and captures my lips with his. After he kisses me he pulls away and his small smile is replaced with a cocky grin. "Have I mentioned I have the best boyfriend in the world" He asks and I blush "aww is my baby shy?" He asks in fake baby talk. "You are such a peen!" I squeal out and he chuckles "that's a new one! Your nickname is love and mine is peen" he says and I blush slightly, could I blush anymore today?!!

"Either way, after school the gang and I are heading to the hang out, care to join?" He asks, to be honest I wouldn't want to join him and "the gang" I love Ben and all but sometimes his friends sketch me out a bit and "the hang out" is some skate park where they smoke and drink and do graffiti, I'm always really uncomfortable. But after this morning I don't want to be at home.

"Sure!" I say, putting on a fake smile, he buys it. I kiss his cheek "I love you but I have a class to get to" I tell him, holding my books to my chest "yes, but you could easily skip and we could go get pizza and hang at the mall" he explains and I laugh "you know me and you know that I would rather die than miss school on purpose" I sigh and he shrugs "I'm just trying to be a bad influence, you are too stubborn" he jokes, poking my nose which makes me giggle slightly. He gives me a small peck on the lips "I'll pick you up after school" he whispers and then heads out the front doors, leaving me to stand there in his wake.


I sigh as I push all my books into bag, I have so much homework! I might just head to the library or the mall and finish this all up before heading home. Stupid homework, stupid "oh honours classes don't add on homework" bullshit! I grumble to myself as I walk out of the school and down into the student parking lot to only get arms wrapped around my waist, I yelp and turn around to see the perpetrator.

Oh right.
The gang
The hang out

I smile and kiss him "hey babe" he whispers "hello peen" I giggle. "How was school?" He asks, taking my hand as we start walking to "the hang out" "boring, loads of homework" I sigh, hoping he gets the hint and lets me be on my own to do work. No such luck. "I told you not to take honours!" He says, his voice has a little sing-song rhythm to it.

"Either way, so y'know Danny? Of course you do. He just got back from his trip and so we are all getting together to hang out, drink a few beers, maybe get a pizza" he explains. Oh great! I hate when Danny comes back from his "trips" because everyone gets drunk and Danny is already annoying enough and I just! This is dumb. I sigh and smile, nodding along.

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