Rando drabbles based off otp prompts

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*Denis' POV*

I sat at the bar of the club, sipping my beer, I like bars, I hate getting ditched at bars. I'm just sat here trying to drink my beer when some guy comes up to me, he's tall, jet black hair that seems like bedhead, his clothing is relaxed but he screams creepy and I'm really good with getting creepy vibes. "Hello" I greet him, sipping my beer, "hey princess" he says lowly, caressing my cheek, I grimace but I don't think he notices "what can I do for you?" I ask, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible "well, depends on how tonight goes" the man growls.

"I'm Denis" I tell him, trying to steer off a creepy conversation "I'm Will, where are you from?" He asks "Ukraine, you?" I reply "Good old America, I'm only here for a business trip, I work at SYKO, yeah I'm pretty big there..." he brags "as big as your ego?" I ask, he only laughs. He continues to try and engage in conversation with me, but he's slowly getting more aggressive and I'm getting more uncomfortable, someone else comes up to us. "Hey babe I was looking for you everywhere!" The man exclaims, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close "I- uh- Yeah, I was waiting for you" catching onto what the guy was doing "and who are you?" The man asks Will "I'm Will, and you are...?" Will seems puzzled "I'm Ben, boyfriend of Mr. Denis here, can I help you?" Ben asks, Will narrows his eyes "you're full of shit" he tells Ben "nope, I'm just a simple boyfriend" I tell him but he doesn't believe it.

He continues to interrogate Ben, it's a mostly "you aren't" "yes we are" "you aren't" "yes we are" thing. Ben sighs and grabs my neck, pulling me into a kiss. I'm surprised at first but fuck he's a good kisser, I deepen the kiss and grab onto his face. Will walks away, disgusted, but Ben pushes me back into the bar and continues to kiss me. He pulls away and gives an awkward smile "sorry" he says, I giggle "no... No it's okay, I liked it" I tell him, "in a not creepy way do you mind if I buy you a drink?" Ben asks "I can't turn down a free drink".


*Denis Pov*

I got Ben this beautiful rare vinyl that his dad used to own (he sold it by accident not realizing it till it was too late) it took ages to track down but I know he'll love it. We didn't really talk about presents this year, we've been together long enough that I think it was unspoken. I grab the wrapped up vinyl and walk down into living room, I see a red faced Ben sitting in the living room "ready for presents?" I ask, he nods and I walk over sitting down next to him.

"Same time?" I ask, he nods, handing me a wrapped up box, I hand him the wrapped up vinyl. "On one" I tell him, he nods eagerly.




I say steadily before ripping open the paper and just as I'm about to open the box I look up and see Ben looking at the vinyl in astonishment "how'd you find it?" He asks "a lot of tracking down and money, but I know how precious it is to you so yeah... I thought I'd go for something meaningful this year" I explain, he laughs in response "what? Is it too sappy?"  I ask, getting nervous "no... Just open yours" Ben says. I get a littler nervous but I open up the box and oH my god. "The kamasutra?!" I yelp, looking down at the book "I didn't know we were going with serious gifts" Ben sheepishly explains, I giggle "well... Maybe we can put this book to use" I tell him, he chokes on his own spit "what?!" He shouts, I laugh to the point I'm not making any noise. "You're so guillible" I giggle.

"Happy 5th anniversary you dingus!" Ben cheers, pulling me into a kiss and a warm embrace.


*Denis POV*

I wake up from my nap and walk down to the kitchen, grabbing a cookie from the middle of the island. Ben's at his band's practice, at least he should be still, I don't know maybe he came back early. I've been so hungry and sleepy lately because of a certain something so I haven't done much recently. I should tell Ben but I have no idea how, he doesn't seem like he really wants kids and plus how do you tell someone they accidentally knocked you up?! And I've made the mistake of waiting ages and now I'm getting some real pregnancy hormones and all that shit, so I feel bad for waiting this long just to tell Ben.

"Denis?!" A voice calls out "kitchen!" I yell out, grabbing myself the brownie tin from the pantry and eating brownies straight out of it and stuffing them in my face, Ben appears in the doorway, a mortified look on face "what?" I ask, suddenly nervous "care to tell me anything?!" Ben shouts, I'm still confused "unless someone who's been over recently is an idiot, are you pregnant?" Ben asks loudly, I drop the brownie tin as Ben waves the positive pregnancy test around. "I-" I start, not knowing what to say, and... Fuck, I burst into tears "I dropped the brownies..." I whimpered looking at them all over the floor, Ben walks over to me and hugs me while laughing "baby why didn't you tell me?" Ben asks "because I was scared" I whispered, still sobbing but I don't know if it's from the brownies or the whole reveal thing.

Ben leans down and picks up the brownies "most of them are still in the tin love" Ben chuckles, I cry even more and Ben smiles at me, brushing the tears off my face. "How far along are you?" He asks, "3 months..." I mutter "gone to a doctor's yet?" Ben continues, I shake my head, I've been too scared, Ben sighs

"why are you scared?"
"Because you don't want kids"
"Where'd you hear that?"
"When you talk about your nephews it's never fun stuff and I guess I don't get dad vibes from you and then I waited too long to tell you and I felt guilty about that"
"Is this why you keep napping and why you are always hungry"

I nod and he laughs "I love you" he tells me "I love you too" I reply, giving a small smile.


The transition of May These Nights... to Hell Above actually gives goosebumps I'm shook

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