I remember...

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I remember when I first saw his videos on Youtube, Danny had just left and I was a wreck. This guy was what AA needed

I remember when I first met him and that smile he gave me, I wasn't able to understand what he was saying from his accent.

I remember after our first performance with him how he was shaking for the rest of the night.

I remember when he sat me down and told me the stuff I was writing for the album wasn't gonna end up well.

I remember feeling so proud of him for saying that to me.

I remember the night he broke up with his girlfriend, over the phone, he was a mess.

I remember how he kept pushing me away when I tried to hug him.

I remember my girlfriend breaking up with me because of our constant arguments.

I remember coming onto the bus and seeing Denis in the back making out with one of the male roadies.

I remember how he pushed the roadie off of him and he got that cute little stutter and wide eye.

I remember realizing that I was attracted to him.

I remember all the nights I spent freaking out about it.

I remember Sam talking me out of constant anxiety attacks.
He had no clue why they kept happening.

I remember the first time I told him I liked him.
I was in the back of the bus, in shaky breathes and clenched fists. Everyone had gone out to party for the night. How could I be so foolish?! I have no problem with the whole dick thing, but the person the dick is attached to is where the problem begins.
The sliding door opens and in stumbles a tipsy Denis. "Ben! Ben baby, Benny boy why are you so sad?" He coos, in a silly voice which I give a small smile at, his hand caressing my cheek as he crouches in front of me. "Nothing is wrong Denis" I laugh and he frowns "that is not what I asked Mr. Bruce! You see, Mr. Bruce I think your problem lays in your dick!" He exclaims, he is not making sense. I raise my eyebrows at him and he smirks "you are constantly undressing me with your eyes and I do that to you all the time!" he squeaks and I almost choke on my own spit "really?" I ask in disbelieve, he leans in and I feel his cheeks against mine "really." He confirms, I feel his lips move against my skin.

I remember waking up next to him
"Denis?" I say, a little confused. He wakes up and looks up at me, his eyes widen slightly "Ben? How long was I asleep?" He asks, moving up slightly "I'm not sure, I just woke up" I tell him, he nods and grasps his head "hangover?" I ask, he nods.

I remember the first time I took care of him
He was throwing up all last night and this morning he looked like death. I set him up in the back area of the bus (much to everyone else's dismay) I made sure he had water, druges, food, that he was never cold but never too warm. I made sure he was throwing up a. in a bucket or b. in the toilet. I rubbed his back while he threw up.

I remember the first time I kissed him
"Happy New Years" read the cheesy banner that hung over Sam's door. I walked in and was greeted by cheering, I smiled and waved. I made my way to the kitchen and set down the booze I brought. I poured myself a beer and started walking around. I walked into the dining room and saw the beer pong that was set up.
After a few too many rounds of beer bong I stumbled through into Sam's room by accident, I could hear people starting to call out about "3 minutes till New Years!". I looked at the balcony and saw Denis, a bottle of Stella in his hand. I walk out "you are gonna miss the ball dropping" I tell him, he jumps slightly and looks behind him and sees me, his body relaxing. "It's too loud in there for me" he says, looking back over the city. I move up next to him and I lean against the railing. "I get that, sometimes people get a little much" I tell him and he chuckles "you are party king though" he adds "every party king needs a break."
After a few moments of silence we start hearing people counting down
I look at Denis, his face illuminated by the moon and city
he looks at me, an awkward grin plastered on his smooth skin
I feel him grab me and pull me close
We kiss.
The fireworks in my stomach are more powerful than the ones being set off. I snake my arms around his waist and his around my neck. Him crouching slightly, me leaning up slightly.

Brustoff Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now