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Enjoy some fluffyness!

Third Person P.O.V.

"Doitsu~ where-a are you?" Italy called throughout the house, looking for the tall German. He wandered into the kitchen. He saw a note on the table. "Feli, I have gone shopping. Don't get hurt while I'm gone. ~Ludwig"
Italy smiled. He sat down and turned on the TV. *ring ring* Italy's phone went off. "Ciao?" He answered. "Italy! Dude, like, you totally need to, like, check out this show. It's, like, so good." Poland said over the phone. "Ve~ What's it-a called?" Italy asked. "My Little Pony. It's, like, totally cool." Poland said. "Ok~ I will-a check it-a out!" Italy said and hung up. He pulled up Netflix and searched it. He clicked play.

*time skip to Germany coming home.*

Germany walked into the house and put the groceries on the counter. He heard weird music coming from the living room. "Italy! Vhat are jou doing?" Germany asked, heading towards the living room. "Shh! Quiet Doitsu! Twilight Sparkle is about-a to learn-a the true meaning of-a friendship." Italy said, shushing Germany with his hand. Germany sighed and rubbed his temples. "Italy, stop catching mindless garbage and cook dinner, Ja?" Germany said. "Ve~ ok Doitsu!" Italy said, skipping into the kitchen humming. "My little pony, my little pony..." Germany laughed to himself. "Why does he Ave to be so cute??" Germany thought to himself. A few minutes later Italy called Germany into the kitchen. "Doitsu! Dinner!" He called. Germany walked into the kitchen and was greeted with an amazing smell. "Vhat ist for dinner, Italia?" Germany asked. "It's-a your birthday isn't it?" Italy asked. "I made-a sauerkraut and wurst! I know it's-a your favorite-a food!" Italy giggled. Germany's eyes widened. Nobody remembered his birthday. They sat down to eat. Germany took a bite of his ffod. "Italia, zhis ist amazing!" He exclaimed. Italy's face lit up. "Really?" He asked. "Ja. Es ist sehr gut." (1) Germany said, smiling.
*time skip till after dinner*

Italy was washing dishes. Germany came up behind him and slid his arms around the small Italian's waist. Italy stopped. "Doitsu?" He questioned. "Hmm?" Germany response lazily. "What are-a you doing?" Italy asked. "Hugging jou." Germany response. "Why?" Italy asked. "Well, um, Ich leibe dich." Germany said shyly. Italy smiled and died his hands, turning himself around so he was facing Germany. "Te Amo Doitsu." He said smiling and putting his arms around Germany's neck. They smiled at each other.

End! Fluffyness! Stay tuned!
~Cali Skye

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