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Dedicated to Birchwolf0919
Key: (s/t) skin tone/skin color
(h/c) hair color
(h/l) hair length
(e/c) eye color
(y/n) your name

Third Person P.O.V.
You woke up excited. You were finally going on a date with your crush. His name was Ludwig and he was a year above you. He had blobde hair that was always slicked back and ice blue eyes. He was very muscular. He liked to read. You got out of bed and showered. You went to your closet and picked out a nice pair of black leggins and a nice dress that accentuated your curves. You did your makeup, brushed your teeth and left, going to the park to meet up with him. You got to the park and sat on a bench. Not even a minute later, you see him walking towards you. You smile sweetly when he gets to you. "Hallo, Ludwig." You say, blushing slightly.
He smiled down at you and your face lights up. "Lud! You smiled! You never smile! Wait... did I make you smile? I made you smile!" You said happily, giggling. "Mein gott. She is very cute. I love her laugh und her smile, und her pretty (e/c) eyes, she is so perfekt". He though to himself. "Are jou ready to go?" He asked. You nodded. You both started to leave the park. As you walked, you made sure to purposfully leave your hand free, signalling to Ludwig that you wanted to hold hands. Eventually, as you guys walked and talked, you slid your small hand into his large one. You looked up and saw him blush slightly, but he did not let go. You smiled, blushing slightly yourself. You arrived at an amusement park. "Ludwig, I thiught you hated amusement parks." You said, confused. "Ja. Its true I'm not zhe biggest fan of zhem, but jou are. Besides, it's jour birthday". He said, looking away and blushing slightly. Your face lit up. "Thank you Ludwig!" You said, throwing your arms around him in a hug. He hesitently hugged you back. You grabbed his hand and dragged him into the park.
*time skip till evening*
You were both tired after a day at the amused park. You both walked up a hill to see some fireworks. The sky started to light up with colors as the fireworks were shot off. Beautiful blues, greens, reds, pinks, purples, and white explosions covrred the sky. Ludwig looked at you. The light from the firewlrls made your (h/l) (h/c) hair glow. It made your (e/c) eyes twinkle. He tapped your shoulder. "(Y/n)." He said. "Hmm?" You looked over. He gently took your face in his gands and brought his lips to yours. You melted into the kiss, his slightly chapped lips pressed against your soft ones. He pulled awayn looking into your eyes. "Ich leibe dich, (y/n)." He said. "Ich leibe dich auch, Ludwig" you said back with a smile.

I hope you enjoyed.

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