Gang Member's Girl

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Song Woo-Bin x Fem! reader. This is from the the BEST. K-DRAMA. EVER. Boys over Flowers. Watch it or "you're dead" (famous quote from the show.)

Third Person P.O.V.

You were walking through ShinHwa campus. You bumped into someone. "I'm SO sorry." You said, bowing. "It's all right." The person said. You looked up. He was PERFECT. (A/N see pic above). "H-Hi." You said, blushing slightly. He chuckled under his breath and smirked. He reached out and grabbed your hand, and pulled you close. Then he ran his pointer finger down your nose, and pulled you into a hug. Then he dipped you gracefully. Your cheeks were painted scarlet. He smiled, satisfied. "How would you like to date me?" He said, winking. You blushed even deeper and nodded shyly. His smile widened. He stood you up right and kissed your cheek. "Meet me infront of school after classes." He said and walked away. Your heart was racing. Your friend JanDi came up to you. "Why are you staring into space?" She said, poking you. "I have a date." You said, walking away in a daze. Later JanDi went to the F4's room. "Who asked (F/n) out!?" She yelled at her friends. Ji-Hoo raised an eyebrow. Joon-Pyo smirked. "Not me." He said. Yi-Jung smiled his cheeky, confident smile. "Woo-Bin?" He asked. JanDi whipped her head around and glared at him. Woo-Bin held up his hands. "Guilty." He said. JanDi glared. "Don't. Hurt. Her." She said, starting to leave. Joon-Pyo grabbed her wrist. "Meet me after school." He said and realised her. She huffed and walked away.

*Time skip till after school*

You had just exited the main building after class and you saw a sleek, black limousine. A man in a suit got out and opened the door for you. You sat down and you were pulled into Woo-Bin's embrace. You blushed and cuddled closer. He first took you to the gondola. You looked at the wall and laughed. "Whats so funny?" Woo-Bin asked. You pointed. In a corner of the gondola was written JanDi ❤ Joon-Pyo first night. You both laughed. You watched all of Seoul beneath you. You smiled. He went behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You smiled, leaning into him.
*Time skip to when he brings you home*
You were at your door. "Good night (F/n)" he said. "Good night Oppa." You said cutely. He suddenly pulled you into a hug and presses his lip against yours. You blushed bright red but kissed back. He pulled away, smirking. You were the color of a rose. "Night (F/n)" he said winking. You opened the door and walked in. Your sister came up to you. "He's your boyfriend isn't he." She said, knowing the answer. You nodded. "Knew it." She said. The next day, you walked outside your house to find a sleek, black limo. You entered the limo and smiled as Woo-Bin embraced you. You cuddled with each other, occasionally you had to slap his hand because it was wandering. You shot him a playful glare and he returned if with a "what? Me?" Look. You rolled your eyes, smile playing at your lips.
*After school, you are at a Café alone*
You finished your coffee and exited the café. You were not paying attention and wandered into an alley. You heard a noise behind you. Before you could turn around a pair of arms grabbed you around the waist. You panicked. You knew they were not your boyfriend's arms. "Lookie here. We got a cute one boys." A sleazy voce said. You looked around you as men came out of the shadows. They were all very muscular and had harsh angled faces. They had tattoos everywhere. You felt the arms around your waist release you. You turned around and saw the man you assumed was the leader. His arms looked like they could break you in half like a toothpick. You cowered away, your eyes wide with fear. There were about ten. They all looked at you, eyeing you up and down. "P-please stop." You said. They shook their heads as the leader kneeled in front of you. "Look here cutie. You're in our territory. That makes you ours." He said, holding your face. He grinned evilly, showing his yellow teeth. He reached his hand out towards you'd shirt, unbuttoning it. "No! Stop!" You yelled. You tried to move away,and your back hit the wall. His smile grew and your eyes widened. "Someone help me!" You screamed. You squeezed your eyes shut and curled into a ball. The men tried to make you lie down. You were crying. Then you heard a voice. "Get away from her!" You looked up to see Woo-Bin at the entrance of the alley, running towards the men. "And what are you gonna do, rich boy?" One of them sneered, attacking him. Woo-Bin blocked and threw the man to the ground. Another attacked him and he stopped his fist and grabbed his collar and kicked his chest, throwing him to the pavement. The other men attacked him, but he fought them off. They were all on the ground, looking up at Woo-Bin. Woo-Bin pulled his leather glove down on his hand and curled and uncurled his fingers. He glared at the men. "Have you ever heard of Il Shim Hwae?" He said, voice dripping with malice. The men eyes widened. "So sorry! So sorry!" They said, running away. Woo-Bin walked over to you and re-buttoned your shirt. You looked at him and he pulled you into his embrace. You wrapped your arms around him and cried. He stroked your hair, running his hand through the silky strands. You started to calm down. He cupped your face in his hands and made you look at him. He gently wiped the tears away with his thumbs. He gently kissed your forehead. "I love you." He whispered in your ear. "I love you too." You replied, cuddling closer to him.

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