Lucky's parent

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His father name is Theodore l. Alfonzo a business man who raise as the poor place but when he goes to new York became famous at the age 30 his birthday is April 31 1975 born on Philippines. The his mom name is Melissa f. Alfonso  wife of Theodore Alfonzo who's now a rich and famous in new York then finish college as account with a degree but don't need to work now since they own a house and a restaurant and hotel. His mom birthday July 25 1982 finish college at Santo Thomas college then got married on may 15 1992 at the church in Santo Thomas Philippines.
         They both came from the poor family but lived happily while Theodore Alfonso's cousin are rich but has a terrible life and broken family. Meanwhile they are better than his cousin until lucky came in then after that they ask a help to help them to go abroad and work there for good because they want a good life for their only son. Now when Lucky's review everything in their past they are still whole family even they are now in a very good and safe family. Then lucky said thank you but his parent say we need to thank you for believe in us that we can't change even me and your dad are tempted sometimes to leaving the responsibility for ourselves but we can't do that because you are our star, and light into our life. Even if his parent are busy they are always there for lucky even  in the business party they always invite lucky to introduce to everyone. Then when Lucky's birthday they always invite his friends and their loyal employee to come to their son birthday party in their big house.   Because that makes lucky happy since their only son came to one off the restaurant they own his mom always give him a food and ask him if he need something then ask the waiter that's what his mom told and the waiter always ask him if he need something. Lucky is a great son for when his friends come by the their restaurant he always treat his friends for free nothing to worry about who is going to pay. His mom always want to see his happy and smiling they do anything to protect their only son then the body guard is always around. For his mom is manage their business and taking care of the problem if there was a trouble with the customer alone she always asking if what happened?.

Then his parents are always there when he ever need a support for example when he has a big problem. For example a friend his are not good then his mom tell him that don't talk to them anymore.

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