chapter one

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After four hours of driving and a stop for blood I arrived a mystic falls.

Just looking around I feel claustrophobic. I never go to small towns because even one death would go noticed. I would go to big towns, like New York city, or Chicago.

I parked my car and decided to walk around, I'm not on a big of a rush plus there is a 75% chance of me seeing one of my brothers on the street.

The towns square was filled with screaming children, and chatting parents, and across from it, was 'mystic grill'.

I went across the street and into the small restaurant and went to the bar. I look 18, but I have compulsion so life is easy.

"Can I have some bourbon?" I ask.

"Can I see some ID?" I took out my ID.

"This says-" I made him look me in the eye.

"It says I am 21, understand?" I say.

"I understand." He says and walks away to get my drink.

I look around the grill. Most of the people are teens, playing pool or chatting with there friends.

I drink my bourbon and leave five dollars on the counter.

I was walking out when I saw a girl. She has dark skin and dark brown hair. She looked like a bennet. She was with another girl that had blonde hair.

I walked over.

"Hi im sorry, but I was wondering if any of you know Damon Salvatore." I said.

"Actually, we do. Do you want his number or....." She dragged out the sentence.

"His a dress would help. By the way my name is Adelaide." I said.

"I'm bonnie and this is caroline."

"Omg, I love your accent, is it like British or something." Caroline said. I smiled at her and shook her hand.

"Actually it is, but sometime it disapears or whatever, so right now might be different from the next time we talk." I put out my hand for bonnie which she excapted. Then she sorta tuned out.

"I knew you were a which." I whspered. She can help, and knowing,Damon he is accainted with her. In the non-dirty way.

"And your a vampire. So am i!" Caroline squeled.

"Both of you need to come with me. We have to suprise Damon." I dragged them to the car and pushed the in.

(Skip car ride)

"Okay when we go in, don't sat a thing till after, I explain why I came here." I opened the door.

"Honey I'm home!"I yelled.

I ran at vamp speed to the living room. I went to the jukebox and blasted some music.

"What the hell-" He was cut short when I passed him a bottle of bourbon.

"Hey brother." I shouted very the music.

In seconds he turned it off and was a couple feet in front of me. I took a swig of alcohol.

"Are you just speechless or is this the silent treatment."

Then I was in a bear hug.

"Hey, I thought you would wanna know that the wicked witch of the west and Blondie locks are watching you at your weakest."

And just like that the warm embrace was gone.

"We thought you died a long time ago. Just to find out you haven't. Where the hell you been the past 150 years?" He got louder as he started to finish the sentence.

"Well for 140 years I was watching you and stefanie. But the past 10 years I've been running from the shadows. At least that's what I call them." I say.

"You see I've been marked as a target. When I step into artifical light, my shadow looks weird. It doesn't look the same every time." I walked over to the lamp and stepped in front of it.

"I have approximately 7 months till they come." I say.

"Why the hell are you scared of some shadow people? What are the gonna do take your shadow?" He mocks.

"They can try. They already have. I let them to close and they tried. Look." I took off my shirt and let them look.

"I was asleep when they found me. And when they started to pull my shadow, I felt it. I tried to wake up but I couldnt. I was in my own mind and darkness surrounded me, it was like I was in my own subconscious and the only way I knew it was them was when I saw shadows everywhere.

"You can underestimate them all you want but the pain I felt was like nothing else. Because when they take your shadow they take your soul, you sleep forever and can never wake up." I finished and put back on my shirt.

"And you came back for help?" Bonnie asked.

"See I went to a witch in new orleans. She said I need either the original witch, because she's the one that made the spell, or a Bennet. And when I saw you, I saw Emily. You look like her."

"You knew her?" She quetioned.

"I saved her bloodline. Took care of her children after she died."

"Well that means I owe you. So you have a witch on your side."

"Great. Now on a more important topic. Where is stefanie?" I ask with a grin.

My Hybrid Pain (Vampire Diaries FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now