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*eating dinner at the table with mom, dad, and sister*

"Make sure you both wear something nice for church tomorrow" my mom said before taking a bite of her food. "Yes ma'm" my perfect sister said. "I'm not going I have plans with sam".

My parents both gave me disgusted looks "No your not the Lord is more important" my mom shouted. "Well sam is always there for me when I need him unlike the lord" I fake a smile.

"God gave you everything you have how dare you be so ignorant and not worship him" my dad said slamming his fist on the table. "You want me to be honest? I don't believe in any of that bullshit!"

My mom gasps "Oh god mother stop being so dramatic" I sigh rolling my eyes. "You will not use God's name in vein and you will not talk to your mother that way young lady" My dad shouts at me.

"Well if gods so good why can't he give us some miracle that will help us pay the bills that are pilling up, why did he take Justin away from us, why are innocent children getting raped and murdered, why are there all these fucking terrorist attacks, why is Trump in the lead for president, why are there people out there with no home no food no clothes no family they literally have nothing don't you think God could be a little bit more genorous. It seems there's more evil than good. So I'm not gonna sit in church all damn day and worship some fictional character when I could be worshiping someone who actually deserves it."

My parents just stared at me in shock. I ignored them and continued to eat my dinner. "Your not having sex with this sam boy are you?" My mom asked randomly. "Oh God mom really do we have to talk about this at dinner" I laugh. "(Y/n) what did I just tell you! You are only to say his name with respect and worship" My dad yelled.

I chucked "is being disobitient funny to you?" My father asked sternly. "No no its just an inside joke between me and sam" I smirked. "Well share this hilarious joke" my mother faked a smile."No trust me it's definitely not something you want to hear" I laugh. "Tell us now" my father glared at me. I was annoyed as fuck now "well okay you see when me and sam are fucking in my bed when you guys are asleep I moan 'oh god' a lot Sooo there you go now you know, you happy now?" I smiled. "You whore" my mom yelled "oooooooohhhhhh gooooddddd mom stop being so dramatic i know you and dad be fucking too" I teased. "Honey go get your belt" my mom whispered. "Oh wow mom your kinkyier than I thought" I wink.

"Well I would stay for dessert but I think I'll have some at Sam's" I wink.
"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW" my dad shouts. "I'm 18 fuck off"

I walk out of that house feeling badass as fuck.

*drive to Sam's*

*knock knock*

Sam opens the door. Before sam could say anything my lips attack his. He pulls my waist closer to his. As our lips move roughly in sync I run my fingers through his soft hair. Sam grabs the door with his left hand while his right is on my waist. He closes the door and then pushes me against it. "Fuck me" I whisper into his ear. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He carried me up the stairs into his bedroom and sits me on the bed. We both strip quickly. We've had sex about a billion times but it never gets old. It feels like heaven every single time.

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