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Although it's my birthday today, this is my present to you...

Taylor's P.O.V.

"Should we really be doing this?" Jenna whispered, what sounded like pieces of clothing sliding against each other following.

"Shh," Adam replied in the same tone. "We'll be fine."

They were both silent for a minute, but then I heard what sounded like clothes rubbing against bare skin, and then a thump, making me jump a little.

And then I suddenly knew what had happened. I was the last person to call Adam, so he had probably butt-dialed me, meaning he didn't know I was eavesdropping on their little affair.

Angry tears building up in my eyes, I tore the phone from my ear and ended the call; I chucked my phone in the backseat.

"Are you okay?" Gigi asked. I had been so focused on what my boyfriend was doing behind my back that I had nearly forgotten she was with me.

"No," I said angrily, fighting the urge to get out of the car and storm inside the house. "Let's just go."

Gigi's gaze remained on me for a moment, and then she started up the car.

I never wanted to speak to Adam again. I never wanted to even see him again. I was far too obsessed with the fact that he was just at the studio, pursuing his career, to realize that he was cheating on me. That he had always been cheating on me.

What if he was with this Jenna girl before Ellie set us up? What if Ellie knew about them, and she set the two of us up as a prank?

Would Ellie even do that?

I didn't know anymore. I didn't think I would ever know. I could no longer trust anyone. Anything.

Gigi dropped me off at the end of my driveway, ten minutes later. "You let me know if you need anything, okay, Tay? I'm here for you."

I gave her a small smile as I stepped out of the car with my purse in my hand. She waved to me as she began to drive off, and I stood there, watching her car disappear in the traffic of Los Angeles.

Sighing, I decided that, even with my now-sucky life, I would much rather be safe inside my house than kidnapped by some mentally insane individual.

I entered my fingerprint and slightly opened the gates. A shiver traveled down my spine when I remembered that all of his things were still here. His clothes, his belongings, his cosmetics and hair products.

I went up to the door and unlocked it, walking inside. I pulled off my coat, hung it over the banister, and slipped off my shoes by the door. Olivia brushed past my ankle, and I leaned down to scratch her head.

"I'll get you a treat in a minute, kitty-kitty," I said softly, going up the stairs.

Standing in the doorway of the bedroom, I realized I didn't want to have to get all of his things. Some things were in the laundry, some downstairs, some in the closet. It was too much work to just be letting him go. If I could just forget about it...

No. I couldn't. He cheated on me. He said I wasn't what he had wanted because I had wanted to take things slow at first. And she wasn't afraid to dive right in for the kill.

I pulled out Adam's suitcase, and tore his clothes from the hangers in the closet. I stuffed those and his things from the dresser into the suitcase, along with his shoes and bathroom products, and ran the zipper along the track, connecting each part.

I made sure neither of my cats were at the bottom of the stairs before pushing the suitcase down. Angry tears building up once more, I ran down the stairs and grabbed the luggage tag. Clicking a pen, I wrote:

You know what you did. Don't come back. I won't be here. Have a nice life.

I slipped the tag back in its holder, my eyes catching on his information written on the other side. With one last glance for any of his other things, I took the suitcase handle in my fingers and walked it outside, to the gate.

"Everything all right, Miss Taylor?" my security guard, who was standing by the door, asked me.

I ran my fingers through my hair and turned back around, trying to regain my composure as I walked back up to the house.

"Adam Wiles isn't allowed back on this property. He's allowed to return today, grab his suitcase, and leave by himself, not with my cars," I said seriously. "Feel free to show him to his things and to get out."

"Yes, ma'am," he answered, resuming his position by the door. I curtly nodded, before walking back inside. I gently closed the door, sliding the deadbolt, and slid my back down to the floor.

Why would he do this to me? He told me he "wasn't like my other boyfriends." That he was different. But, in reality, they were all just the same. I don't want to give them sex the day we meet, I want to take it slow, and they go off with some other girl who doesn't mind blindness.

That's not me, though. And I thought it was a good thing: to not dive into the water without checking the temperature first.

But apparently that's not what men fancy. At least, the men I date.

Maybe I should turn gay. So I wouldn't have to deal with the stupid men I've been hanging around with. The women I've recently surrounded myself with are much smarter and much stronger than any man I've ever dated.

I was about to call Karlie, just so that I could have someone to talk to, when I realized three things:

1. I really just wanted to be alone right now. I hadn't cried yet; maybe now was a good time for that...

2. Karlie would want to know what happened. It's not like she would be opposed to me telling her, but I didn't even tell Gigi, and she was with me when I found out...

3. I left my phone in Gigi's car. So, if Adam happened to call me... Oh, whatever. Gigi would let him have it. She would curse him, right in his face; she's certainly not afraid to let people have a piece of her mind. Adam deserved it anyway.

Shaking with defeat, I pushed myself off the floor and went to the landline, which had been disconnected for quite some time now. As I sat on the kitchen floor, trying to connect the line, I heard rain start to pour outside.

I could have almost laughed, even now. Because not only did Adam cheat on me and I put his things by the gate for him to come pick up, but now it was all going to get soaked.

Once I finally had the line connected, I lifted the receiver to my ear and dialed a number. I leaned against the door to the basement, twisting the cord in between my fingers.

"Taylor? Since when did you have a landline?"

I closed my eyes, gently tapping the back of my head against the door. "Ed, I really don't want to talk to anyone right now, but I feel like I have to. And yours was the first number to come to mind."

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- Then & Now (Grivine)
- Stay With Me? (Sequel)
- See You Again (Epilogue)
- Grivine One-Shots

See you guys soon! xx

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