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Adam's P.O.V.

After Ed left, Taylor's parents never once acknowledged me. In some strange way, I didn't mind it all that much. If they knew what I had done, I wouldn't have blamed them. And, besides, their daughter was just shot. They had every right in the world to focus all their attention on her rather than me.

I didn't think it was even ten minutes later, though, that Taylor said she wanted more sleep. Dr. Smith came back in right as Taylor was saying this, and the doctor suggested we give her some space.

Reluctantly and awkwardly, I stood and went to follow her parents from the room after several "goodnights" and "we'll be in the cafeteria if you need us."

I was almost to the door when I heard Taylor weakly say my name. I almost thought I was imagining it and immediately stopped in my tracks, as did Andrea and Scott. They looked just as confused as I was, their eyes shifting from me and back to their daughter.

"Stay," Taylor repeated weakly, looking as if that one syllable completely drained her entire supply of energy. Her face looked even paler than it had just fifteen minutes ago, if that was even possible.

"Are you...are you sure, honey? You need your rest..." Andrea persisted, obviously not keen at the idea that Taylor wanted me to stay rather than herself.

Taylor just whispered, "Only for a few minutes."

Andrea looked skeptical, but I matched eyes with Scott for a moment and he seemed to get the silent message I was sending him: We'll be fine.

"Come on, Andrea," Scott said gently, placing his arm around his wife's shoulders. "They'll be fine. Let's just give them some space."

With a reluctant nod, Andrea followed Scott from the room and Dr. Smith shut the door. My green eyes were locked on Taylor's bright blue ones, the ones that seemed to be fading very quickly. She was exhausted, as was I, and all I wanted to do was lie down on the couch and fall asleep.

I made my way over to the couch and gingerly sat myself down on the edge of the cushion. "Why did...why did you want me to stay?" I asked her quietly, then patiently waited for an answer.

Taylor took in a rickety breath and then whispered with her eyes closed, "I shouldn't still be here, Adam." She reopened them and I saw they were glassed over with tears. "I heard the shots before I felt them only milliseconds later. It was...it was pain beyond imaginable. Indescribable. So bad that I couldn't even keep my eyes open or double over in pain. It hurt too much to do even that."

A tear slid down her cheek, and I resisted the urge to reach over and brush it away. No, we weren't like that anymore. I didn't even know if we ever would be anymore. If I hadn't been so self-absorbed and careless, I would be lying in that bed with her right now, my arms gently and gingerly wrapped around her body.

"And I saw..." Taylor choked on her words and closed her eyes again. "I saw the light too many times for me to still be here." She looked back at me. "I even saw Jesus, for crying out loud. He told me it wasn't time yet." She paused and took another shaky breath. "I died on that fucking operating table, Adam. And Jesus put me back. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for that."

I bit my lip, remembering the first time I went to church, partly because of Taylor. I looked down at my hands, tightly clasped between my separated knees with my elbows against my thighs, and I decided to tell her.

"I know it may come as a...surprise to you," I started, moving my eyes back up to meet hers. "But I've been going to church...a lot recently, actually. Mostly because I realized how much of a jerk I was to you. And I know sorry's not going to cut it, so I'm not even going to try and apologize..."

The Story Of Us (A Tayvin Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now