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Adam's P.O.V.

"So, you'll forgive me, then?" I asked, pulling my arms through the sleeves of my shirt and buttoning it up.

"I'll think about it," Jenna replied with a smile, tracing her finger along my jawline.

I smiled as I finished buttoning my shirt. I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I'll see you tomorrow, then, right?" I grabbed my coat.

"I'll text you," she said, following me to the door. "Surprised her car still isn't here."

"Yeah, it's been a while," I replied nervously, checking my watch. "See you tomorrow, Jen." I left the house with one last kiss.

I kept my head low as I walked to my car, which was parked at the top of the driveway. I slipped inside and pulled out my keys, turning the ignition and switching gears.

Quite frankly, I didn't know what I was going to be dealing with when I got back to Taylor's house. She obviously knew I was here, so she obviously knew I lied to her (at least as of today) about going to the studio...

I hadn't been to the studio in two or three months.

But I don't know why I didn't feel guilty. Jenna is an amazing person, beautiful, and not afraid to dive right in. Taylor is also amazing, beautiful, but she doesn't want to dive in for a while.

I guess that was the turn off for me—taking it slow versus taking it fast.

Deciding to try and cover up what happened today, I pulled out my phone and called Taylor.

"What do you want?" a female voice asked, picking up the phone.

"Uh, hi? Is this Taylor?" I asked, utterly confused, as I stopped at an intersection.

"Damn straight it's Taylor. Taylor's phone," she continued.

Suddenly, the puzzle pieces came together. "Gigi? Why do you have Taylor's phone?"

"Oo, that's a good one, let me think. Hmm..." Gigi replied sarcastically. "She called me because she felt as though you weren't being trustworthy in your God-awful relationship. We follow you to this random chick's house and find out you've been sleeping with some other girl."

I squeezed my eyes shut, and then opened them again as the light turned green. I took my foot off the brake and continued driving.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about," I said, my voice cracking.

Well, that was my giveaway.

"Jenna's just a friend of mine. We've been hanging out, yes, but we've just been writing songs together. You know, working on another album," I explained. Lied, rather.

"Houston, we have a name!" Gigi exclaimed. "So, tell me, kilt man, is that spelled with a G or with a J?"

I sighed, slamming my hand on the steering wheel. "You know what, Gigi? Give me Taylor. Let me speak to her."

"No can do, Mr. Cheat," she continued. "Got a strict business running over here. I'm the secretary now."

"Gigi," I warned with a hoarseness in my voice that I hadn't noticed before.

"Okay, okay, saw-ree," she grumbled. "But still no can do because I'm not with Taylor right now. She left her phone in my car after we found you out."

"I will hurt you," I said, trying to sound as threatening as possible.

"Oh, real scary. Might want to clear that with Taylo—I mean Jenna—first," Gigi responded with a tone of finality.

The Story Of Us (A Tayvin Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now