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Adam's P.O.V.

I woke up one morning, several weeks after my visit with Father Michael, to a text message from an unknown number.

Within the last couple of weeks, I had seemed to fully cleanse myself of everything. I was forgiven for my drinking, purging, and wrong-doing as a teenager and twenty-year-old. I attended church every Sunday morning at ten o'clock. I even bought my own place, here in Los Angeles, and I couldn't be happier.

I stopped thinking about Taylor a while ago. She obviously didn't want me back, so I wasn't going to continue wanting her. I had come to accept the fact that we were over. Possibly for good.

Sometimes, at night, I still found myself thinking about her. About us. What we were. What we could have been.

I was a jerk. I realized that now.

I'm not blind anymore; going to church has helped me see that. I now own up to my mistakes and wrong-doings, instead of blaming them on other people.

But this text message from this unknown caller really sparked something deep within me. The fire inside me had been smoldering, and now it was as if someone had given it another spark. Suddenly, it was growing again.

Congratulations, the text message read, you're going to be a daddy.

Attached to the message was a picture taken in the mirror, a women's shirt pulled up to her chest to reveal a small but visible baby bump.

Although I had deleted her number ages ago, I knew the number by heart.

This wasn't just any unknown number.

This was Jenna.

I read and reread the text message, opened and reopened the picture. She looked to be several weeks along; why hadn't she told me beforehand?

Because she hated you, too, remember?

But it wasn't just the fact she hadn't told me sooner that was bothering me.

If I was going to be a daddy... That meant...

Oh, God. Oh, no. No, no, no.

Jenna was pregnant.

I had gotten her pregnant while I was sleeping around with her, still technically dating Taylor.

Why had I been such an idiot?

Despite the real emotions I was feeling, I decided to stay calm. As I unlocked my phone, I unclenched my fists, and dialed her number.

Three rings later, Jenna picked up.

"So, you got my text message, I assume, and you're calling me," was how she answered the phone.

I was taken aback a little bit. I understood that she would be mad, but it wasn't just me that wound her up like this.

"Yes, I did," I replied seriously. "And I just wanted to say congratulations."

Jenna laughed. "Congratulations? That's what I get? Adam, you do realize this is our baby, right? I already paid extra to get a premature paternity test, even though I already knew who the father was."

"Well, what do you want me to say? Why should I be excited for this when you're clearly not?" I argued.

"You know, if this had happened any other way than how it did, I would be ecstatic," Jenna said. "But this happened when you were sleeping with me because apparently that other girl wasn't good enough for you. When you confessed your uttermost love to me the day she found us out, and I'm sure as Hell you don't feel the same way about me anymore. The only reason I told you in the first place was because I figured you should know. Kinda important to know your sperm works."

I blinked, my eyes widening. "Okay, well, I'm sorry this happened. I'm sorry it happened under those circumstances. But, Jenna, I've changed. I've been going to confession at church, I've been going to actual church."

"You? Going to church? Well, that's quite a sight, isn't it?"

"What I'm trying to say is that we can raise this baby together, whether we're together or not. It doesn't have to know how it came to be. But that little thing inside you is a miracle, Jenna," I said, trying to reason with her.

She didn't say anything for a long moment. "I've already looked into abortions and adoptions."

"Jenna, you know you can't do that."

"I'm not carrying around this accidental thing for nine months and raising it by myself. When my parents find out..."

"You won't have to raise it by yourself. I'm going to help you," I assured her. "It's our baby."

"Yeah, but it's in my body," Jenna said, now starting to get angry, "which means I can do whatever the Hell I want with it."

"No, it doesn't," I said, raising my voice as well. "Jenna, you were not assaulted. This baby came to you naturally. It came to us naturally. And we're going to raise it together."

My words hung in the air for several minutes. Finally, Jenna asked quietly, "Together?"

"Together," I replied firmly.

She sighed. "You promise?"

"Of course I do."

"And if you break that promise, you and the baby goes. Understood?" Jenna said.

"Understood," I answered without hesitation.

Jenna hung up the phone, and I just sat there, in my bed. I'm going to be a daddy. The thought bounces around in my head. It's going to be so exciting!

Once again, though, my mind drifts off to Taylor. What could we have done? Could there have been a future for us? Is there still a future for us? Could we have made a child like that? Is there still a possibility that we could?

I couldn't help it. I know I promised Jenna that I wouldn't leave her—and I won't—but I need to call Taylor. I need to hear her voice. I need to meet up with her, somewhere, anywhere, because we need to talk.

"Hello, this is Taylor Swift's management," a male voice greeted me as the phone picked up.

"Hi, yes, this is Calvin Harris. If she isn't busy, I would like to speak to Taylor Swift, if you please," I said as politely and officially as I could.

"I will put her on the line," the voice answered.

My heart raced with anticipation as the line went quiet for a few long minutes. Finally, though, something moved and I heard Taylor's high-pitched voice.


• • •

I wrote this awhile ago and wasn't really fond of it, but I decided to post it anyways just to give ya'll a chapter and something to look forward to.

Idea creds to @s3xyBATbaby & damarismiller

Remember to check out my other books, if you haven't already:
- Then & Now (Grivine)
- Stay With Me? (Sequel)
- Grivine One-Shots

See you guys soon! xx

The Story Of Us (A Tayvin Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now