Numero Due!

448 8 7

Haai guys ! ~

Okay, i know this chapter isnt good. but i promised you a chapter two ! :D

So yeah, it may seem boring. but it will get better next chapter. i promise x)

Thanks, Emma x

I’m just about to walk into my homeroom when I notice that there is only two minutes left of the class. Just my luck. Maybe if that jerk didn’t keep me waiting for so long! His expression was priceless, but what did he mean by I’ll get what I deserve? Mm, well why does it matter? I’m here for good grades and good education, who really cares about friends!?

My homeroom teacher finally notices me. If looks could kill, I’d be dead by now because of the daggers that she is throwing my way. Other students in the class snicker, but I only notice one. How did he get here so quickly? I was clearly ahead of him. He smirks and I look away, and begin to apologise for being late to my teacher. “I- I’m s-sorry Miss…?” I realized then that I look like an idiot. I’m stuttering like a maniac, and then I don’t know her name? How stupid could I be? She waits for me to continue my sentence but I look down whilst blushing.

“That’s okay Miss Smith, I’ll let you off with a warning considering that it is your first day. I’m Mr’s Hendrix (A/N where have I heard that name before?), and I will be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year.” I smile at her warmly after getting a hold of myself. She scans the room attempting to find somewhere for me to sit. Horror washes through me as I realise that the only seat left is near the person I despise the most. Jake.

Mr’s Hendrix notices the vacant seat and gestures for me to go and sit down. I internally groan and slump in the chair in front of Jake. I don’t even bother to look back, because I know that I will just punch that annoying smirk he will have on his face right off. When the bell finally rings, signalling the end of homeroom, I bolt from my chair and begin to head out of the room.

Jake brushes by me and whispers in my ear “Just you wait, Ash”. He chuckles quietly to himself as I keep on walking, ignoring his inmaturity

 (A/N is that a word? It is now. ;3. And by the way, this may sound stupid but even though there are no cafeterias in Australia, I’m making one)

First and second period passes in a blur, and as soon as I realise that the bell rang, I head to the cafeteria after quickly throwing my books into my locker. As I line up in the cafeteria line, I realise that the special is spaghetti. Really? At my old school we had mystery meat. That’s definitely an upgrade! I receive a bowl of spaghetti and look around for somewhere to sit. After finally realizing that I haven’t really made any friends yet, I begin to walk outside to eat my lunch in the yard.  I’m about to head to the door when Jake and another guys, probably his follower, stand right in front of me, blocking my way. I internally groan, and speak as politely as I can.

“Excuse me, you’re in my way” I say through gritted teeth. Jake just laughs and puts a hand on my shoulder. “You didn’t forget about that kiss, did you?” I know he was joking, but actually, I did forget. It takes me a second to remember what he was saying and I smile at him. “Yeah I did, because you’re never going to get one” I retort, proud of myself for standing my ground. He places his other hand on my other shoulder and slightly pushes me back, leaning in for a kiss.

I know what you’re probably thinking, getting so worked up about one little kiss? But it won’t only be one little kiss; it would be my first kiss. He would never be getting that in a million years. As I couldn’t move, I only had one other option. I knew that I would probably pay for what I was about to do, but at that moment, I didn’t care. Just as our lips were about to touch, I slammed the bowl of pasta right into his face. He let go of my shoulders abruptly and the bowl began to slowly slide off of his face, smashing on the floor below us.

One kiss, for the bet?Where stories live. Discover now