Numero Cinque!

366 7 4

Haaii !!! :)

i actually managed to write another chapter tonight and post it, though i didnt do my homework x\

oh wells, this is more important;D

i felt like it was kind of boring, so yeah, i wanted to change it up a bit.

and yeah, they were gonna kiss, but, wheres the fun in that? :)

Oh, and someone made me a trailer ! I forgot his/her name x\ I'll do a dedo to you next chapter though! promise ;3

If you wanna watch it, here it is ! :) -

Enjoy! x

Recap –

As we sit there in awkward silence, I stare at the ground not knowing what to say. Breaking the silence physically, he slowly leans closer towards my face. What is he doing? Groaning internally, I remember about ‘the bet’. Where is his phone?

 I know it’s all for a bet, what am I getting so worked up about? He doesn’t stop, and I don’t tell him to. My blood begins to boil, and a blush creeps up onto my face. I hate this guy, making me feel this way over one stupid little bet? I should hate him! Frozen in place, I stutter my words out as well as I possibly can. Why am I getting so tongue tied because of this jerk?

“J-Jake, what a-are you..?”

He continues to lean in closer, until our lips are almost touching.

Ashley’s P.O.V

I feel his breath, making me tingle all over.


Jake turn’s his head so fast I’m surprised it didn’t snap off. I mimic his move, rotating my head to the side, to spot Summer hiding her eyes with her hands at the door. I sigh, half relieved, half annoyed. Why would I want to kiss a jerk like him so much anyways?

Summer speaks up, “Ash, is dinner ready?” Well, at least she never asked for details. Glancing at the clock, I realise that it’s ten minutes until 7pm. Jake sighs slightly, “Summer, I’ll order take out soon okay?”

Clearly satisfied, she leaves and waltzes down the hall without another word. Turning to Jake, he quickly tilts his head down, trying to stop the blush creeping onto his face.

Me. Ashley Smith. Made Jake blush?

I scoffed. “Guess you’ll never that kiss you oh-so want”

“It’s for a bet!” He snaps.

We sit in awkward silence for a few moments. It feels like an eternity, until he finally breaks the silence. Standing up, he heads into the kitchen, returning with a $50 note. Realising my confusion, Jake says “For the babysitting” in a duh-like tone. Hesitantly grabbing the money, I say goodbye to Summer before heading out into the cold winter air. I nod to Jake before walking down the pavement.

Walking home, so many emotions are rumbling around in my head. Relief, confused… sadness? I quickly shake the thought out of my head at the same time a black range rover pulls up onto the sidewalk. Winding down his window, I stare at the blonde-headed boy in front of me. His shaggy, dirty blonde hair falls just in front of his eyes, which are a beautiful green colour. We stare in silence, until he finally speaks up.

“Hey, why is such a lovely girl like you walking home all alone?” A grin widely spread across his face.

Okay, either he is player, or a paedophile. 

( A/N I love that line for some reason, one of my friends said it today and it popped into my mind aha ;3 )

I smile uncomfortably at him, replying to his question. “I just came from a babysitting job, do I know you?”

“You just came out of his house right?” Ignoring my question. He winks at me, obviously misunderstanding. Not trying to hold back, I tilt my head back and laugh loudly.

“You’re misunderstood; I’m his little sister’s babysitter. You know him?”

His grin comes back, even bigger than before. “You could say that. I’m Jeremy”

( A/N I LOVE that name <3 )

“Nice to meet you, Jeremy” I reply, waving him off as I continue to walk down towards my house. To my relief, he winds his window back up and continues down the road, pulling into Jake’s driveway. Is he a friend of his? I haven’t seen him around school. I shrug it off and walk the rest of the way home, climbing up the stairs to fall asleep in my warm and cosy bed. I let all of my emotions escape my mind as I drift off to my happy and careless dreamland.


*Alarm goes off* (A/N got over my obsession of sunshine, lollipops and rainbows ;3)

Sighing, I wake up for another torturous day at Bentleigh College. Getting ready, I choose to wear jean shorts with a plaid top, slipping on black fingerless gloves. Dabbing on a little bit of mascara, I run down the stairs, grabbing an apple before heading out. Surprisingly, the weather is warming up because Spring is just around the corner. The sun shines down on me, making my face glow, making me look tanned.

-At school-

Heading into the gates, I notice a black range rover pull up into one of the school’s parking spaces. It looks awfully familiar, but I can’t seem to recognise it. The door opens and staring at me is Jeremy, the guy I met last night walking home from Jake’s house. Spread across his face is the biggest smirk I’ve ever seen, similar to Jake’s. Turning around I begin to walk away, until Jeremy jumps out of the car and catches up to me. He holds my wrist, turning me around so that I’m facing him. He holds my chin so that I’m looking into his eyes.

“Why hello gorgeous” (A/N that kind of sounds a bit, pedo-ish?)

A loud bang of a car door interrupts my daydream and my eyes widen as Jake gets out of the passenger side of the range rover.

“Nice to see you’ve already met each other” he retorts. I ignore him, glancing back to Jeremy, who is still staring into my eyes. The second he realises I see him, he looks away. Is that a blush?

Jeremy glances at Jake’s retreating figure.

“Hmm, and to think, my lovely cousin was supposed to show me around. I guess I’ll just have to ask this beautiful girl to give me an exclusive tour”.

He grins widely as Jake freezes in his tracks.


One kiss, for the bet?Where stories live. Discover now