Numero Tre!

446 10 17

Haai guys ! ~

OMG. i cant believe i wrote three chapters in one night, but this will be the last for a day or two. School is starting in two days, so ill be pre busy. I really wanted to leave a cliffhanger, so thats why its short and drags on. sorry ! But the next one will be funny hopefully :) I need to think of ideas on what to do, hmm x)

Well thanks for reading so far ! Please suggest to your freinds? Vote? Fan? Comment?

Thanksyou ! Emma xo


*Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows*

As I unwillingly jump out of bed, I slowly get ready for school. Walking down the stairs, I grab a banana and walk outside to be greeted by the warm sun and the sound of birds (A/N wow that sounded so clichéd). Making my way to school, I walk slowly knowing that it’s only 8.00am. School doesn’t start until another 30 minutes, but like I said, I need to avoid Jake at all costs. If he wasn’t so jerk-like I think I might have actually fallen… what! No, Ashley, get those thoughts out of your head! He is a jerk, and always will be.

As I reached the school gates, I glance down at my watch and realise that its only 10 past 8.

I’ve never noticed how pretty Bentleigh College looked until I noticed my surroundings. It’s a red brick building, and has green grass surrounding it. The gates which are situated at the front of the school are a shiny gold colour, giving class to the building. When I walk inside, I notice many banners that I’ve never seen before. Many of them are banners promoting clubs or about the football team. I begin to head to my locker only to see the one and only person.

“Well well, finally you showed up. Do you have a reason for avoiding me lately?” He says amusedly.

Groaning internally, I ignore him and begin to kneel down to my locker, only to be abruptly stopped by the brown haired boy. He holds onto my wrist as I try to pull away. I must admit, he is strong. I guess I should have known that considering he has a clearly defined 6 pack. He must notice me staring at him, because he smirks that signature smirk that I oh so love -note the sarcasm-

“What do you want?” I retort, trying to sound intimidating. He lets go and begins to speak.

“So, do you have any siblings?” He sounds… calm. Well, this is weird. Very weird! Hesitating, I slowly reply to him. “Um, no. I’m an only child”. He nods and clears his throat. “My sister’s name is Summer, by the way”. Slightly confused, I tilt my head to the side. “See you around”. He smirks and chuckles quietly before heading off to class.

By now, nearly every other student is at their locker, making it crowded and difficult to get around. For a small town, there sure are a lot of high school students. I make my way to homeroom just before the bell signals, and take my designated seat in front of Jake. I don’t even dare to glance back, so I look ahead at Mr’s Hendrix as she reads out the bulletin. I slowly zone out, until I hear that tryouts for the boys and girls running team will be taking place at lunchtime.

I love running, I love sport. I love being active. At least I have something to look forward to now…

Periods 1, 2, 3 and 4 pass in a blur. Apart from Jake staring at me half the time, nothing really happened. Is he just doing that to piss me off? He is such a jerk sometimes. However, I think that there could be a softer side to him.

As lunch time arrives, I quickly place my books in my locker and head out onto the oval to try out for the running team. You have to verse other students who are also trying out, and if you beat them you go onto the next round. It’s kind of like some sort of knock out game or something. I never knew that there would be so many students who would want to participate in the running team; I think there may have been around 30 students. Only 8 could be in the team though, so I had a lot of running ahead of me. It went by alphabetical order, so I was second to be called up to run a lap, along with a guy named Aaron. Aaron seemed pretty cute, with his blonde hair falling effortlessly down the side of his face. He seemed really nice too. Were all the guys in this school hot? I zone out and begin to daydream until the coach, Mr Roberts, fires a gun, signalling for us to start. Startled by the sound, I got a disadvantage because I started later. However, it didn’t take me long to catch up, and I won effortlessly. This will be a breeze.

We finished all of the races and I was in the top 8, which meant I could be in the running team! Mr Roberts said that we still had some time to kill before lunchtime was over, so he announced that we would be racing against each other. The only bad problem about the team is that Jake is in it as well. Well, that’s not a surprise. He is really fast too, but I think I could beat him. Mr Roberts clears his throat and waits for us to turn and look at him. “Okay team. Ashley you will be versing Jake. Michael vs. Mikayla, Johnny vs. Mike and Hayley vs. Mason. Ashley, Jake. You will run first, line up!”

We lined up at the designated spots. Before coach could signal for us to begin, Jake screams “Your going down, Ash”, which grabs the attention of many onlookers. The coach fires his gun and I start to sprint down the oval, Jake hot on my trail. He catches up to me and quickly takes the lead. I will not go down without a fight!

I run up so that we are running side by side. We reach the last turn and I begin to sprint down the lane, leaving Jake behind. For the fastest runner in school, his not that fast. I finish the race, and collapse onto the floor huffing and panting. Jake follows soon after and gives me daggers. Hey, it’s not my fault his slow right?

The bell rings and I slowly get up and grab my books for the next classes, English and Biology.

The rest of the school day passes in a blur, and before I know it, I’m on the doorstep of Rachel’s house. I’m really excited to meet her little daughter, and I hope she likes me. This may be the only way to get enough money to save the house. Breathing in and out deeply I hesitantly knock quietly on the door and tilt my head down. Gosh I hate shyness sometimes! When the door opens, I hear a man’s voice say, “Welcome Ash! Meet my younger sister, Summer”.

I know that voice.

Please no.

I slowly glance up to see a teenage boy with the biggest grin spread across his face.

I’m screwed.

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