Numero Quattro!

368 8 11
  • Dedicated to Ornena:)

Haii guys ! x) ~

I know, this chapter is SUPER short, but ill make up for it next chapter! I think i might do a few paragraphs in the next chapter of Jake's P.O.V? whut do you think ?

Well anyways, this chapter is dedicated to my friend Ornena (Who btw should really get a wattpad account !) because she gave me inspiration and helped me a bit with the story line for this chapter! :)

I know you all love cliffhangers, so enjoy ;D

Emma, xo

Ashley’s P.O.V

Out of all the people in the world, it just had to be him. Does God purposely try to make my life miserable? Because right now, it sure as hell seems like it! Maybe that’s what Jake meant by ‘I’ll see you later’? Maybe he knew? But, if he hated me, why would he want me to be around so much?

A noticing cough escapes me from my daydream and I look up to see Jake gesturing for me to go inside. Hesitantly stepping inside, I notice that his house is like a mansion. It reminds me of school, however there are family portraits lined up along the walls of the hallway. Many pictures include Jake, Summer and two older figures who I presume to be their parents. They look very professional, all taken at the same scene. I realise that Rachel never mentioned Summer’s father, why can’t he look after her? Does he work as well? It doesn’t look like they need any more money than they already have considering that they’re giving $50 a day to a 16 year old girl for minding their child for a few hours.

As I round the corner of a hallway a little girl steps into my view. She bores a striking resemblance to Jake, and even has the same lovely eyes as him. Wait, lovely? Her brown straight hair falls down to her back, and her slender, petite figure makes her look really cute. Well this will be easy; Summer seems very kind and loving!

She stares up at me, placing her hands on her hips. “So this is Ashley? Jake as told me about you, but I don’t think your THAT pretty”. Turning around to Jake I see him with his head down, dead quiet. That’s a first. Did Jake tell Summer that I’m pretty? He hates me! Doesn’t he?

I shake the thought quickly out of my head and turn back to the little girl still standing in front of me, hands on hips. Smiling warmly I clear my throat. “You must be Summer, it’s very nice to meet you!” The little girl grabs my hand and begins to walk towards her room. Opening the door, I see every little girl’s dream room. Her walls have different painted pictures, mainly of faeries, scattered around on it. A canopy bed is situated to the right far corner of the room, with pink transparent curtains draping down around it. Summer ushers me further into her room, walking towards a large play area with Barbies scattered around on the floor. Falling to her knees and crossing her legs, I mimic her move and we begin to play doll house.

-          5.30pm      -

Time goes by pretty quick, and Summer seems to really like me! What’s even better is that Jake hasn’t been around to annoy me. I glance at the clock and realise that it is already 5.30pm, only one and a half more hours until I finish my first day babysitting. I continue to play doll house with the little girl to keep her entertained.

“Ash, I’m really hungry. Can we have dinner now?”

Oh no, I never even thought about food! My mum is a really great cook, but I guess her talent never rubbed off on me. I can’t even cook instant noodles! Wanting to make Summer happy, I respond politely to her and begin to walk out of the room.

Walking down the hallway, confusion washed through me as I realised that I had no idea where the kitchen would be located. Hearing a small chuckle from behind, I glance around at the back of me to notice Jake leaning up against the wall. Sighing slightly, I ask him as politely as I can where the kitchen would be.

“Yeah, it’s down here Ash. Follow me”. A slight smirk is plastered onto his face, but as soon as I notice it, it’s quickly washed away.

Following Jake down the never ending hallway, he opens a door to our left, signalling me to go in first. This doesn’t exactly look like a kitchen.

My predictions turn out correct as this is definitely not a kitchen. There are pictures lining the sides of the walls, mainly of skinny girls dressed in skimpy clothing. Dead centre of the room, there’s a black king sized bed, with black blankets covering the mattress.

“Do you like it?” Jake says, breaking us from our silence. “It’s not a kitchen, that’s for sure” I reply, slightly confused. Jake tilts his head back and laughs.

“It’s my room; the kitchen is down the other end of the hall”. Wait, I’m supposed to be making food for his little sibling, why am I in here?

He sits down comfortably on the bed and pats next to him, gesturing for me to sit beside him. Realising I’m not moving any closer to him, he sighs and walks over, throwing me over his shoulder and sitting me on the bed. Yelping in surprise, I receive a smirk from a clearly satisfied Jake.

As we sit there in awkward silence, I stare at the ground not knowing what to say. Breaking the silence physically, he slowly leans closer towards my face. What is he doing? Groaning internally, I remember about ‘the bet’. Where is his phone?

 I know it’s all for a bet, what am I getting so worked up about? He doesn’t stop, and I don’t tell him to. My blood begins to boil, and a blush creeps up onto my face. I hate this guy, making me feel this way over one stupid little bet? I should hate him! Frozen in place, I stutter my words out as well as I possibly can. Why am I getting so tongue tied because of this jerk?

“J-Jake, what a-are you..?”

He continues to lean in closer, until our lips are almost touching.

One kiss, for the bet?Where stories live. Discover now