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So far the Nazis and the Soviet Russians had not gotten that far into occupying the United States. The Germans started taking over in the East in New York and have now created the SS headquarters in New York. The Russians have been taking over from the West they're planning on creating their headquarters somewhere in the Northern United States where there is snow and where the climate is similar to theirs in Russia.

This all happened because of the war. After WW2 the Allies who had won the war against the Axis Powers were working on rebuilding Germany and helping the citizens and country to return to normal. England took care of the Northwest, America cared for the Southwest and West Berlin, and the Soviet Union took care of East Berlin and Germany. When the Allied Powers were done rebuilding Germany they united the sectors they were taking care of. England and America combined their parts, but the Soviets kept theirs for their own then starting the Cold War.

After many years of fighting in the Cold War the United States came out on top and the Soviet Union crumbled. Since then tensions have risen between the USA and Russia.

History has said that Adolf Hitler committed suicide therefore ending the war for Germany. Well history is wrong. Hitler, Eva Braun, and their dog Goldie all escaped to Russia after traveling to different European countries blending in with civilian life. During this time Eva gave birth to a son named Ludwig Hitler that grew to be tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. While in Russia Hitler came in contact with Stalin and formed an alliance that if they both succeeded in reforming the Third Reich and Soviet Union they would take over America, their greatest enemy.

Hitler traveled back to Germany with his family and quickly gained support and reformed the Third Reich. Stalin had great success as well in Russia with a son of his own, Piotr. They also received word that the ex-emporer of Japan, Hirohito, and the Japanese commander and Prime Minister Hideki Tojo had survived even though history claimed he had been executed for war crimes. Tojo had done the same as Hitler. He married, blended into civilian life, and had two sons, Mutsuhiro the oldest named after the infamous sergeant Mutsuhiro Watanabe who was a prodigy, living up to his namesake and Hirohito who was 1 year younger than his brother being named after the emperor himself. Japan as well had taken over China once again and started to plot to proceed across the Pacific Ocean once again.

Hitler brought back the Hitler Youth, Stalin created Lenin Youth in honor of Vladimir Lenin though sometimes it would be called Stalin Youth after himself, and Hirohito created Tojo Youth after his Prime Minister and Commander. The Soviet Union, Third Reich, and Imperial Japan have been brought back and have been united.

The offspring of the leaders were all young adults when the plan happened. Ludwig Hitler at the age of 20, Piotr Stalin the same as Ludwig, and Mutsuhiro at 19 years and already set to be a teacher of the elite with his younger brother, Hirohito, at age 17 still in school and a prodigy and member of the elite force like his brother.

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