School Too?

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My mom comes into my room and turns on my light to wake me up. As I get up I realize the events that had happened yesterday. Last night and this morning I was hoping it was a dream. I eat my breakfast, get dressed, and start walking to school that is a few blocks away and about a 20 minute walk if I don't jog along the way.

As I walk across the street I see the proof that yesterday was real and not a dream. This can't be happening.,I think. I don't want to waste anymore time. I want to get to school and rid myself of this thought.

I sprint as fast as I can with my backpack, binder, and lunch bag not caring if I slip on hidden ice under the snow.


As soon as I get inside the school the time is 8:05. 20 minutes until school starts. 20 minutes until I can hopefully fill my mind with other subjects.


The bell is ringing to go to class. My first classes are going smoothly with normal events happening. Have the Nazis and Soviets changed their minds? I hope this is true.

Much to my dismay this hope is not what is happening. During 7th hour which is Social Studies with Ms.Rose for me there is an intruder drill. The principal, Mrs.Kunes sounds panicked. There are only two types of intruders that would make her this scared, and those intruders have been standing on our doorstep for days.

My class goes to the corner out of eyesight of the door. We sit in tense silence in the dark. There is no sound except for the sound of military boots on covered concrete. The sound gets louder and louder until it stops right outside of the wall that you can hear a teacher instructing their class clearly. The man, a German, peeks through one of the sections keeping two sheets of wall together that you can see through slightly. I see him raise his gun and aim it towards where the class is sitting on the floor through the wall. He intends to shoot us!

"Get to the other side of the room! Now!" I shout.

Everyone does as I say and runs to the opposite side of the room just as the Nazi fires his gun. Luckily the bullets don't hit any of us in the room.

Realizing that he didn't hit any of us he kicks the door open easily.

"Who gave the order to move?", he says in a thick German accent. Now that I see him clearly he looks young for a soldier. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. "Who gave the order to move!", he yells this time. Nobody said anything including me.

Becoming impatient he grabs one of the boys in my class named Conor and aims his gun at him.

Right before he pulls the trigger I run at him. I push Conor to the ground out of harm's way and push the gun to point at the ceiling right as the German pulls the trigger.

"Saumensch! Are you the girl who told everyone to move?"

I understood the German insult for a girl meaning filthy pig. His face was inches away from mine as he pulled me close to him by the collar. By now he was lifting me high enough to the point where I was barely on the tips of my toes. Not wanting anyone innocent to get hurt I confessed though not in the nicest way possible.

"You want to know who gave the command, dummkopf? Well I'll tell you then. It was me.", I smirked surprising myself at this sudden urge of confidence and cockiness. "I would think a German soldier of the Third Reich would do better than to be outsmarted and beaten by a 14 year old girl."

The soldier's eyes widened slightly in surprise or from being taken aback by my statement. "How dare you talk to a German soldier of the Third Reich! You'll soon learn your place." At this last statement all of my confidence disappeared. Now I'm scared for my own safety.

He threw me onto the concrete floor with most of his strength. The rug on top of it didn't do me much good. I hit the ground with a big force on my side then rolled over onto my stomach. Not a good idea. I was able to hold in my groan of pain as I hit and tried to get up.

As soon as he saw me trying to get up he grabbed me by the back of my collar pulling me towards him again not caring if he was slightly choking me. He dragged me out of the room. I heard my teacher yell my name. I'll be fine. I'm strong. I will resist. I kept repeating these words to myself in my head hoping to calm myself, but to no prevail.

By this point the German turned me to face forward and had me walking beside him with his grip still harsh on my collar. Now that I saw his uniform in the light I noticed it was a normal soldier's uniform. It had badges and patches to show he was an officer,but not enough to show he was a very high ranking officer. A Lieutenant at least and a Captain at most.

We turned left at the end of the short hallway, dragged me down the stairs, and headed towards where the 9th and 10th grade lockers ended and turned right to where the auditorium was. German soldiers were standing guard outside of the doors.

At this moment I realized that there was only German soldiers and there wasn't Russians. Were they waiting til the Germans took over? Or were they waiting for there to be trouble? Whatever the reason the Russians were not here with the Germans.

Once we got to the first door that led to where the audience sits in the auditorium he turned to the door. The two soldiers guarding the door stood even straighter, if that was even possible, and swiftly raising their right hands in the air above their heads said in harsh voices "Heil Hitler!". My captor merely nodded and the soldiers opened the door to let us through.

"Obergruppenfuhrer Hitler. I have brought a girl who stood up against me and gave a command for her class to move out of range of my gun. She might be the girl we are looking for."

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