New York

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The car ride was terrible. I chose to sleep for the ride. I was wearing a red sweatshirt and black t-shirt, boot cut jeans and black combat like boots.


When I arrived in New York a Sturmbannfuhrer, a Russian major, the best member of Hitler Youth who had just become the youngest Hitler Youth leader at the age of 17, and the best member of Stalin Youth who had just become the youngest Hitler Youth leader at the age of 17 as well. They both had the privilege of wearing official Russian and German officers uniforms. I had to admit they looked slightly intimidating even though I knew they were only a year older than me. 

"Wilkommen, Liesel. I am Sturmbannfuhrer Andreas Klein,"said the Sturmbannfuhrer. I just simply nodded my head politely and said that it was a pleasure to meet him. When really it was not.

"And I am Christian Fleischer,"said the Hitler Youth member. I did the same head nod and phrase as I did for the Sturmbannfuhrer.

"Dobro pozhalovat, Svetlana. I am Major Ivan Zaitsev."

"And I am Alexei Bogdanov."

Christian was the 'perfect' example of the 'superior human race'. He was just the right height of being tall with blonde hair that was cut in the traditional uniform Hitler Youth haircut, slicked and combed to the side. His eyes were a piercing shade of blue that could intimidate practically anyone. The muscles on his arms and body did not help the intimidation to become less. Especially in his German military uniform.

Alexei was around the same height as Christian if not being about an inch taller with a darkish medium to dark shade of brown hair. His eyes were almost as dark as hair, but just a little bit lighter. His muscular frame in his uniform gave the same intimidating aura that Christian had. Just by looking at them most people would back away and not mess with them. But I wasn't one of those people. If they messed with me or angered me in anyway I would take it into my own hands and treat them like the no good Russian and German they are.

The group led me to a black car. The major got into the driver's seat and the Sturmbannfuhrer got in the front passenger seat. Alexei got into the back seat on the right side and Christian opened the back door on the left side so I could be seated in the middle. He got in after me and closed the door behind him. The little luggage I had was already put into the trunk of the car. 

Though one question that ran through my mind was, Where are Hirohito and Matsuhiro?


When we arrived at the Auttenburg household where I would be living everyone got out. Two tall young males in what looked like a combination of Hitler Youth leader and SS uniforms came out. One had almost white blonde hair and the other had dirty blonde almost light brown hair. They were around the same height and looked very fit. They looked about one year older if not the same age as Christian and Alexei. When Alexei and Christian got out of the car they came up to the two new boys and acted as if they were good friends.

Then two adults came out of the house. Well it was more like a mansion than a house to me. One was a tall male with brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing an SS Obergruppenfuhrer uniform. He would probably become my new father. The woman had a kind expression on her face. She had medium length wavy blonde hair and brown eyes. She would probably be my new mother. Her dress was knee length and red with a black belt around her waist.

I got out of the car and observed the mansion behind them. It was large with two stories. The whitish grey exterior contrasted with the darker colored shingles of the roof. There was a porch in the front and I assumed the backyard was big by the bits and pieces I could see from looking from the front.

The man that was to become my new father spoke, "Why don't we all go inside and introduce ourselves to Liesel and make her feel comfortable here."

At that everyone walked inside. I tried to stay as far back as I could to walk into the house and I was successful. 

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