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That night I took my time packing. The fuhrer's son and another Russian officer were talking to my parents about what would become of me. I heard my mother trying not to cry and both of them trying to stop them. The officers warned them that if they resisted they could be sent to a concentration camp, work camp, or prisoner camp if that was what they wished. My parents couldn't hold it in anymore. All I heard was my parents sobbing until I heard footsteps coming towards my room. 

I was still packing my bags when Ludwig and the Russian officer came in.

"I see you are packing", Ludwig started.

"Yes", I debated whether I should say that I heard them talking to my parents, but I chose against it.

The Russian spoke," You probably don't know me, but I am Piotr Stalin the son of the leader of Russia Josef Stalin."

"I see. It is an honor meeting you. Us Americans have kept to date with the conflicts with the fight against you Germans, Russians, and the Japanese. So I have very much heard of you as well as Ludwig, and Matsuhiro and Hirohito Tojo", I said turning around making sure to keep a neutral face.

He had brown hair, brown eyes, and was tall. Maybe 6 feet at least.

"It is a pleasure meeting you as well. Also you seem to not be overly phased by us taking over your homeland. You are very intelligent to keep up to date with the information of our attacks. No wonder you out of all ex-Americans have been chosen for your role. Svetlana is what all of the Russians refer to you as and Liesel if I am not mistaken for the Germans", Piotr said turning to Ludwig.

"Yes that is correct. Are you ready to leave for New York tomorrow?"

"Yes", I lied.

"The Germans are eagerly awaiting your arrival. You will practically be a celebrity if you are successful,"Ludwig said.

"The Russians as well. Already you are famous in the Motherland as well", Piotr added.

"The Fatherland is eagerly waiting to hear updated information about your progress."

"Well I can't wait to please the German and Russian people." I was not looking forward to this at all.

"Your peers will look up to. You will be an example", Ludwig said.

"Well I need to finish getting ready as you can see,"I said trying to end the conversation.

"Of course, Aufwedersehen, Liesel."

"Aufwedersehen, Obergruppenfuhrer."

"Proshchay, Svetlana."

"Proshchay, Piotr."

Ludwig and Piotr left my room and left my house. I just tried to close my eyes and drown myself in my own thoughts. Why? Why this? Why me?

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