New Family and Word of the Japanese

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I was welcomed into the door by a large spacious entryway that led to multiple hallways. I could see the sitting room in which everybody had made themselves comfortable already. Slowly I walked toward the room in which had extremely elegant furniture and adornments on the wall. There was a large wooden table in the center and an intricately designed fireplace that had a picture of none other than a large portrait of the fuhrer Adolf Hitler himself with smaller portraits of Josef Stalin and Hirohito and Tojo to his left and right. All eyes turned to me as I entered the room. I wasn't sure what to do so I awkwardly stood there for a few seconds with an unintentional nervous look on my face if it wasn't already obvious by me tapping my food in quick staccato beats on the floor which thankfully was on a carpet rather than wood like the rest of the house had.

The two males who were to be my brothers had left an open space between them on the couch and they both patted the vacant spot in unison with smirks on their faces. Slightly faster than I should of, I walked to the couch and sat down everyone had kept their boots and shoes on so I did the same. As soon as I sat down I felt one arm wrap around my shoulders from each side. I rolled my eyes slightly but just let it happen.

The first person to speak was my father. "So I here word that your are part German and Russian?"

At this everyone's eyes turned to look at me. Especially Alexei and Christian's piercing blue and brown eyes. 

I paused for a moment before saying,"Yes. My blood father is of Russian and German heritage while my mother has Austrian as well as other European countries for her."

"Great our new sister is a Russian as well as German! No wonder she's so tall!"the brother with the lighter hair said.

"Yes she is,"started my father. "I believe it is about time we start to introduce ourselves to her being that she is to be part of our family."

"Of course, dear. Liesel my name is Gretchen, but you can call me mom or mother."

"Hello, mother." Calling this stranger mother didn't seem right, but I knew I had to.

"I am Rolf, you new father."


I wanted to end this day as soon as possible and get these introductions done and over with. There was a few more introductions and I waited patiently for that to be done so I could leave. But it wasn't that easy. After introductions they started talking. My mind wandered until they started talking about the Japanese. 

"I'm sure you all know that the Japanese are taking control of the rest of the West coast," Major Klein said.

I looked up suddenly interested in what they had to say.

"It looks like Liesel here is interested in the subject,"Friedrich the brother with lighter blonde hair said on my right.

"I see. So do you know of the Japanese to the West?"Christian said smirking.

"I do. They were fighting the U.S. navy in the Pacific and after defeating them proceeded to take control of the major cities in states like California along the coast until they had a firm grip on the land. If I may say, I'm assuming you have received news of the Japanese coming to New York as well?"

"You are intelligent. No wonder you were chosen by our great leaders,"Major Zaitsev said gesturing to the pictures mounted on the wall.

"Spasibo, Major," I replied.

Alexei then butted in leaning forward whilst looking me up and down with his hawk eyes saying,"Excellent! You already know some of our language. Like the major said, you are intelligent."

"Da, I took into my own hands to learn Russian as well as German, but I'm nowhere near fluent in either language."

I forced a little smirk as I shifted a little at the tension under Alexei's stare.

Now it was Franz who was sitting on my left to pipe in. "So many things. I wonder what else our little Liesel can do."

"You'll learn in time, but for now with your permission, father, I would like to go and become more acquainted with our neighborhood."

"Of course. You may go Liesel. Have fun."

I stood up and walked as quickly as a could out of the room and the house finally feeling somewhat free.

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