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Girl they are looking for? What does that mean? What are they talking about? Is this the son of Adolf Hitler? Is this Ludwig Hitler?

The Obergruppenfuhrer was tall and stocky. As he turned around he was young for his rank, but his muscular figure and his disciplined, aggressive face was one that most people would choose to not mess with. He had blonde hair the color of wheat in a field and eyes the color of the afternoon sky. His hair was slicked back in a formal way that many of the officers would have their hair.

"Bring her to me, Unteroffizier Schwartz." He had a German accent that had a slightly low pitch to it.

The Unteroffizier pushed me so I was standing right in front of the Obergruppenfuhrer. "What do you want with me?", I asked with slight venom in my voice. "Follow me.", he replied not taken aback by my tone.

He walked to the steps that go onto the stage and I followed doing as I was told. Once we got to the middle of the wooden and concrete high school style stage he stopped. He then grabbed me and started feeling my arm muscles. "There's quite a bit of muscle for a girl on your arms."

"What does this have to do with anything?", I asked wondering what he was planning.

He took his hands off of me and laid his hands at his sides. I noticed that he had two pistols, one on either side of his waist clearly meant for quick and easy access and use. "What is your heritage?"

At this question I was slightly taken aback. Why does he want to know my heritage?

"Why do you want to know?"

"I know most Americans have a mixture of countries in their heritage and DNA. What is yours? Keep in mind. I don't have a lot of patience."

"If you must know. I'm part Austrian, German, and Russian."

At this Obergruppenfuhrer Hitler beckoned Unteroffizier Schwartz to him. Once in whispering ear shot he said something that I couldn't quite make out. When he pulled away Schwartz left for a little while. During this Ludwig Hitler and I stood in silence.

Finally Schwartz came back with a folder of papers. He handed it to the Obergruppenfuhrer who observed the paper closely and every so often looking up at me.

"What is this all about?"

He closed the folder and handed it back to Unteroffizier Schwartz.

"Thank you for the information Schwartz."


The Obergruppenfuhrer and Schwartz both turned to look at me seeming only slightly caught off guard.

"I said what is this all about? What do you want with me? Why am I so important?"

"You should already know. You are the perfect combination of blood. Russian to represent the Soviet Union and Austrian and German to represent the Third Reich. The only piece you lack is Japanese, but you can make up for that in your training."

"What does that mean for me?"

"You will be trained with the Hitler Youth, Lenin Youth, and Tojo Youth boys, but-"

"Will I be the only girl?" Liesel interrupted. 

"Yes. And the only American. But-", Ludwig tried to continue.

"I refuse to do this," Liesel interrupted once again.

"You can't. You will be brought to New York where the SS, Soviet, and the smaller Japanese headquarters are housed at. You will live with a German family and be renamed. Also you will be trained in German, Russian, and Japanese language and culture. If all is successful you will be famous, not just here, but in Europe and Russia also. Possibly even Asia. Also as I was attempting to say before you rudely interrupted me, you will not be a part of the regular youths in which Americans can simply join, but you will be a part of the Elite Youth in which consists of Russian, German, and Japanese teens and young men who are the top of top and the force that will allow hardly any Americans except you."

"You can't do this! You can't take me away from my family!" I couldn't believe it. I was being taken from her family and everything I knew just to be someone else.

"Yes I can. I am the fuhrer's son and you should know that. Take her home Schwartz. Tell her parents and tell them that she will be taken to New York and that she will be part of the Auttenburg family."

Schwartz dragged me from the auditorium, but I didn't bother to struggle. My entire life had been taken away from me by them. All I could do now was what they wanted. 

Tears formed in my eyes and I became limp. The tears started as sadness and sorrow, but now they became tears of hate. I would do as they said. But I would always have a burning fire of hate for the Nazis, Russians, and Japs. That was inevitable. 

SaviorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon