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I stood outside of the gym and stared at the poster in front of me. Basketball tryouts where tonight and I was thinking about trying out until I found out that you had to be a guy, no exceptions.

I sighed frustrated as I pushed open the gym doors anyways. Jacob was going to be trying out for the team so I thought that maybe if I was here supporting him maybe it would feel like I had real friends.

"Megan! Over here!" A voice called loudly over the gymnasium. Sophie was sitting over in the front row of the bleachers closest to the warm up bench.

I walked over to her smiling as I sat down. "Hey, how are you?" I asked as I set my bag down and leaned back into the bleachers.

"I'm doing pretty good. Hot boys trying out am I right?" Sophie laughing smirking as I saw her eyes look over the guys running up and down the court.

I turned my head so I too could see the boys practicing. I saw Jacob run, squat, jump, and make a basket. Smiling to myself I looked down at my feet feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

"Alright! Numbers 1-10 sit on the bench, the rest I want layups 20!" The coach called as I saw the boys running back and forth.

I turned to see Jacob running over to the bench. His eyes meet mine, as he smiled at me, Sophie hit me with a water bottle.

"I've been talking to you this whole time dude." Sophie groaned as she picked up the water bottle she threw and smashed it down on the bench between us.

"Sorry, I've just been watching the boys practice." I huffed as I turned my head back only to see Jacob sitting right in front of me but his back to me.

"Hey." I whispered as I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and smiled then looked alarmed as he say Sophie.

"You're not gonna hit me with a water bottle are you?" He winced his voice cracking acting in fear.

Sophie looked at him in annoyance, rolled her eyes, and chucked the water bottle at him. She smiled at me then turned her attention too the guys.

"I take that as a yes." Jacob smirked as he caught the water bottle swiftly with other arm and set it down with the other.

"So uh Jacob, when are we gonna get to work on this project?" I asked as Jacob looked back at the court when his coach called his name.

"Uh, after try outs. How about 5:30, my house?" Jacob asked quickly as he stood up and walked backwards.

"Sounds good." I replied giving him a quick thumbs up. He smiled at me, winking as he ran back to the court.

"Oohh." Sophie whispered nudging me with her shoulders. I looked over at her and saw that she was winking at me helplessly.

"What?" I replied shrugging my shoulders as I grabbed my bag from the bleachers and stood up.

"Jacob likes you!!" She whispered loudly.

"Ok no, we've only know each other for like three days so no." I replied as I shook my head bouncing down off the bleachers.

"Jacob doesn't just wink at anybody." Sophie promised as she sat back and turned to look back at the boys.

I looked over at Jacob as he was running back and forth across the court. Jacob seemed pretty popular and there was no way there would be a 'we'.


"So wait, you wanna do a project to see if pop floats in water?" I asked as I sat down at Jacobs table.

"Yep, it'll definitely get first place." Jacob replied nodding his head as he shrugged his shoulders.

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