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"Bye mom!" I called before shutting the car door, and watching her drive off.

I turned around, looked up at the big school and headed for the big doors.


I turned around to see Blake running towards me his backpack slipping down his shoulders. I smiled as he reached me, grabbing onto my hand.

"How are you babe?" He asked as he walked into the school, the noise of the others kids filling my ears.

"I'm okay, and you?" I asked as we walked down the hallway towards my first period class.

"I'm doing perfect babe." He smiled as we reached my first period, stopping in front of the door. He placed his hand on my cheek, leaning in and smashing his lips with mine.

"Babe, I've got to get to class." I laughed as I pulled away, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Okay babe. I'll see you later." He groaned as he pulled away from me and walked down the hallway.

I watched him walk down the hallway before heading into class. Blake was actually a really good guy minus was had happened yesterday. I know it was bad drinking the beer and all, but maybe Blake was bringing out a new side of me.


I walked into Science and saw Jacob sitting at his desk with our big poster board. He looked up as soon as I walked in and stood up.

"Look Megan, I'm really sorry." He mumbled as soon as I reached him.

"It's fine Jacob, I was just kinda hurt." I replied softly sitting down in the seat next to him.

"That's the thing, I don't want you getting hurt." He said slowly as he to sat down in the seat next to me.

"Jacob I'll be fine, you don't need to become my bodyguard or something."

"I know, so friends?" Jacob asked as he reached his hand out for me to shake. I took it shaking it slowly, nodding. "Good." He whispered as he grabbed the poster from beside him.

"You did all this!" I whispered as I reached for the poster. It was colorful and something that would for sure get us an A.

"Well after our fight, I didn't want bother you. So I did it all by myself." He blushed grabbing it and taking it up to the front so it would be able to be presented.

I watched him walk up astonished. Jacob was like a brother to me, he cared so much. He didn't wanna bother me because he knew I was mad. I smiled when he walked back over, looking over at him.

"So you ready for your first baskeball game today?" I asked as he sat down, hunching his shoulders forward.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He replied softly laughing quietly.

"Well I'll be there, so you'll defiantly win the game." I smirked as I laughed watching Jacobs face.

"I bet."


"Okay could you be any slower?" I groaned as I watched Sophie fix her hair in the mirror. Her sister were driving us to the basketball game which was about to start.

"I'm hurrying." She grumbled as she walked out of the bathroom and over to her closet. She grabbed a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of ankle boots.

"The tennis shoes." I said before she could say anything. She looked at me, her mouth open as she started saying something. "Just come on." I mumbled as I grabbed my bag and phone.

"Ok let's go." Sophie cried as she slipped on her shoes and checked her hair one last time.

We both walked down the stairs, meeting her sister at the bottom. She was a senior and was not happy with us.

"Seriously guys, the game starts in 10 mins." She mumbled as she grabbed her car keys and walked out the door.

"Don't worry about her." Sophie replied as we too walked out the door. "She's just mad because her boyfriend broke up with her."

I laughed as we both slide into the car, buckling our seatbelts. The rest of the car ride was really quite unless Sophie and her sister started fighting.

"Make sure to meet here when the games over." Sophie's sister mumbled as she got out of the car, slammed her door and headed up to the high school.

"Well isn't she a ray of sunshine." Sophie joked as we too walked up to the school and into the auditorium.

We walked in to hear the loud cheer of the crowd. Sophie pointed to a row of bleachers and we headed over to it to see that they were getting taken by two girls.

"Sorry, we were gonna sit there." Sophie grumbled as we reached the bleachers. The girls looked at us and rolled there eyes, expect one girl keep staring at me.

"Hey! That's Blake's girl." The brown hair one nudged her other friend as she looked over at me.

"Oh my gosh yeah. Remember I'm Kilar and that's Sarah." She replied pointing to the other one.

"Oh yeah I remember you guys." I replied as we scooted into the bleachers, as there was enough room for us.

The girls laughed and turned to watch the game. I saw the players warming up as I searched for Jacobs jersey number, 1. I saw it as he ran up and dunked, running back to the bench.

"Jacob!" I called as he sat down a few feet away from us. He turned his head looking around the crowd to see who had called his name, meeting my eyes.

I smiled, scooted past Sophie and down to where Jacob was standing. "Hey." He whispered as he wiped himself with a towel.

"Hey. Ready for the game?" I asked as I crossed my arms looking behind him at the other players, who were laughing at us.

"In 5 mins I will be." He laughed, taking a swig from his water bottle. He turned around yelled something at the guys, then turned back to me his cheeks flushed.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for Blake. I think he's running late though." I groaned as I looked behind me at the entrance.

"Blake." Jacob whispered as he wiped himself with the towel again. His smile suddenly faded as he backed away. "I gotta go. See you later." Jacob whispered again as he smiled and turned back around.

I almost called after him when I heard my name behind me. I saw Blake running towards me with a worried look on his face. "You okay?" I laughed as he reached me.

"Perfect." He winked as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the set up bleachers where the rest of our friends were sitting.


Beep! Halftime!

I stretched as I had realized I had been holding my breath and sitting still the whole game. It was a close game, 23-24. Us being 24.

The cheerleaders ran onto the center of the court, music blasting through the speakers. Sarah and Kilar clapped while Blake bit his lip.

"Hey." I whispered smacking Blake on the arm. He turned to look at me winking.

"You would look so hot in that outfit babe." He mumbled as he leaned in closer to me.

"Oh yeah?" I whispered as I too leaned in. We connect lips as I felt a sensation of sparks go through my body. He bit my bottom lip as he pulled away.

"Uh get a room!" Sophie moaned as she smacked my arm, hunching over in her seat. I laughed as Blake linked hands with me, stroking my thumb with his forefingers.

"Hey, speaking of cheerleading they need two new spots on the team. I was planning on trying out but Kilar wasn't, so if you want to?" Sarah asked as she turned to look at me, flipping her hair out of her face.

"Uh, I don't really know I'm not really the flexible kind." I laughed as I tucked a peace of hair behind my ear. I had always been apart of the game, not on the sidelines.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Sarah squeaked as she leaned closer to me, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Ok. I'll do it." I replied as Blake pulled me closer to him. Sarah laughed and the buzzer for halftime to be over rang. I turned my attention back on the game, just when are players started running out.

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