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Alright lady's let's move on to squats, and 1, 2, 3! The tv echoed throughout the house as I walked down the stairs, meeting my mother in the living room.

"Mom?" I asked as I slipped on my other pair of slides. She saw me, grabbed the romote and turned down the volume.

"Hey sweetie. What's up?" My mom asked as she stood up from a squat, taking a sip from her water bottle.

"I'm gonna go over to Jacobs." I replied as I grabbed the poster board that was by the door, which we had bought yesterday.

"Okay sweetie, have fun." My mom replied as she turned back around turning the volume up.

I laughed as I opened the door and shut it behind me. My mom was just so young to be a mom. Her and Dad where high school sweet hearts, marrying young which caused them to have me young.

I reached Jacobs door, knocking softly. He opened the door smiling brightly. I smiled back as he let me inside.

"So, you ready to work on our award winning project?" Jacob smirked as he grabbed the poster board from my hand setting it down on the table.

"Award winning? Please this will be like noble prize winning!" I joked as I set my phone and bag down.

"I guess you're right." Jacob laughed as he walked over to where I was standing smiling over at me.

My phone buzzed signaling I had a notification. I looked away from Jacob as I reached for my phone it slide off the table an onto the floor. Just in time though Jacob leaned over reaching out and grabbing it.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered as I put my hand to my heart, trying to calm myself down.

"You're welcome." Jacob laughed as he held onto my phone and I saw the brightness light up his face. It sunk in as he looked up at me.

"What? Did your favorite pop tart go out of stock or something?" I laughed as Jacob handed me back my phone. I clicked on my home button seeing the nofication pop up.

Meet me at my house, at 3?

I looked up at Jacob was staring at me with a straight face. "What it was just Blake?" I sighed as I put my phone back down on the counter.

"Ha, just Blake?" He laughed as he turned around from facing me and walked over to the couch.

"Yeah, well my boyfriend." I whispered as I watched Jacob walk away.

"You're boyfriend!" He cried turning around from the couch leaning back on its headboard.

"Jacob, what's wrong with you?" I whispered as I made my way over to him. He looked down at my as I saw his eyes look sternly at me.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you Megan? Dating Blake huh?"

"What the heck!" I cried crossing my arms in front of me suddenly confused why Jacob was getting heated up.

"You're dating Blake Rough! The biggest jerk of the school!" He yelled slamming his hands down on the back of the couch.

"Don't call him that."

"What Megan now that you two are dating you think you know him all of a sudden? You've been here for four days! Four freaking days!"

"Jacob stop! Stop yelling at me. All Blake has done is be nice to me, so I don't know where jerk is coming from!" I yelled feeling my eyes glass over, heat coming to my face.

"Megan, you shouldn't be dating him." Jacob whispered his voice calmer now.

"Yeah well guess what, I've also know you for only four days too so you can't tell me what to do okay?" I cried as a tear slowly feel down my face and I pushed it away.

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