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"So? Has he asked you?"

"Who asked me what?" I questioned as I pulled a long sleeve pale shirt out of my closet and onto the bed.

"Blake. To homecoming?" Sophie groaned as she threw the shirt off of her.

I shook my head the nervousness of that question setting back in. I've been thinking about it ever since the posters were getting hung up around school. I wanted him to ask me but I've never been to a dance with a guy.

"I bet he will." Sophie squeaked as she jumped off my bed and headed out to the balcony. She walked out, letting the cool air of September in.

I followed her setting the shirt I was holding down. She was sitting on one of the lawn chairs that were spread out.

"Oh yeah? And when do you think he will ask me?" I replied as I sat down on the lawn chair next to him.

"Today. And I bet there will be flowers, chocolates, a huge bear, a ring, a necklace, and lots of kissing!" Sophie laughed as she turned her back to me making kissing motions.

"Shut up!" I laughed as I threw a flip flop at her. She laughed, threw her legs back around so they were laying flat on the chair.

I turned away and looked over at Jacobs house. What if Blake was planning on asking me today? We were meeting at the bowling alley. Everyone was, Jacob, Sophie, Sam, Blake, and all his friends. What if he did it then? No he won't, I thought to myself worried, he won't.

Sophie and I walked into the bowling alley, surveying the area. There was a group of 6th graders by the concessions and I saw Jacob standing by the vending machines. He was shoving money into the machine, but it keep spitting back out at him.

"Need some help?" I asked as I walked over to him. He looked up at me wincing, then his smile turned to laughter.

"Yeah I guess." He smirked as he stepped back from the machine, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I walked up to the machine taking the dollar from him. I flipped it around seeing the problem. "You has it facing the wrong way." I smiled as the dollar slipped in.

I turned around seeing Jacob stare at me. His eyes didn't move from mine even though the money was in the machine. I could feel my cheeks staring to heat up as he moved slightly closer to me. I was about to move closer too when I heard someone call my name.


I turned at the sound of my name looking away from Jacob. Blake was running up to me and as soon as he reached me he pulled me into a hug.

"How's my favorite girl?" He whispered as he pulled my face up to his. I pushed away slowly feeling Jacobs eyes on mine.

"Fine." I whispered as I looked at Jacob out of the corner of my eye. He was grabbing his chips out of the machine his cheeks flushed. His jaw tense he turned to look at me, then slowly backed up walking away.

"Well I have a surprise for you." Blake whispered in my ear as I turned back to him. There he was standing with a huge poster that said 'HOCO?' in bring pink letters, holding a handful of roses.

I stood there shocked. Sophie was right. Heat was rising to my cheeks as I looked around. Sophie and Sam where staring at my happily as Jacob looked at me, cheeks still flushed, jaw still tense.

"Ye-yes." I mumbled the words stumbling out of my mouth. Blake smiled as he lifted me up into a big bear hug.

"I'm so happy babe." He smiled as he placed me back down, handing me the poster. "But I'll be right back, I need to pee. Mind setting up the lane for us?"

I nodded taking the poster and watching him walk away. A pair of arms turned me around so I was facing them. Sophie.

"Ahhh!! I told you, I told you!!" She screamed as she started jumping up and down. She smelled the roses as started jumping up and down again.

"You can take the roses. I'm allergic." I mumbled as I shoved them at her. Her smile faded as she grabbed them. "Sophie I need to talk to you, ASAP."

"Okay, what about?" She asked all of a sudden serious. Her expression changed as she saw the expression in my eyes. "Megan, what's wrong?"

"We can't talk here. Bathroom?" I motioned my hand to the bathroom a few feet away. She nodded as we set our stuff down at the table the boys already starting the game.

We walked into the bathroom and I marched up to the mirrors splashing cold water onto my face. "Megan—" Sophie stared to say but I stopped her when I heard a noise. Somebody was, moaning?

I lifted my head up meeting eyes with Sophie in the mirror. She shook her head, worry in her eyes. I turned around and made my way down the stalls coming face to face with the worst person.


His hands where racing up and down the girls back. He obviously didn't hear us come in or even see us. The girls back was to me so I couldn't tell who it was. I stood there shocked for a few more seconds, then pulled myself together and cleared my throat.

He looked up his lips still on her. He froze seeing me, the girl turning around. "Shit Megan." He pulled away wiping his lips.

"Yeah." I whispered a clump forming in my throat. I took one last look at him, turned around and ran out the bathroom.

I raced down the bowling alley floor and out the front doors. I started bawling as soon as I reached outside. The door slammed behind me as a person ran out behind me.

"Look Blake-." I turned around but froze. Blake wasn't standing in front of me it was Jacob. His hazel eyes stared down into mine, worry filling them.

Before he could say anything I rushed into his arms our bodies colliding. He pulled me close into his as I cried all over him. A few moments later when he pulled away I turned away, embarrassed.

"Megan, what happened?" Jacob asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, holding me close.

"Blake. He was kissing another girl."

Jacobs eyes filled with anger as he turned to look back at the bowling alley. I saw his jaw tense as he looked back at me. "Want me to go beat him up?" He whispered quietly as he rubbed my shoulder.

I pulled away slowly so I was facing him. "No." I whispered feeling the clump come back up in my throat. I think I was still in shock because I couldn't even look up when Jacob called my name.

"Go to homecoming with me." Jacob mumbled looking straight into my eyes. "Your not going with Blake anymore so, go with me. Sam can go with Sophie and we can go together."

I looked up at Jacob and smiled. "Of course Jacob." I laughed through my tears as he pulled me close. I closed my eyes taking a mental picture of this moment in my head.

"Megan?" Sophie called as she slammed the door, walking into my house.

I ignored her, shrinking down farther into the couch. After the whole Blake situation, I called my mom to come pick me up. Sophie had texted me asking if I was okay, knowing she probably shouldn't have followed me outside because she saw Jacob running after me.

"In here." I mumbled finally as I heard her start to walk up the stairs. I heard her feet stop, turn, and walk over to me.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked as she sat down next to me, the couch sinking in.

"I guess. It just sucks." I mumbled as I looked over at. She looked at me sympathy in her eyes, she scooted closer so we were cuddling.

"Hey, I know. But let's stop being bummie and look for homecoming dresses!" She cried as she shook me and got up standing waiting for me to reply.

"Sure, why not." I laughed as she jumped up and down, pulling me into a hug.

"We will get through this Megan."

Just A Friend (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now