Riddle #11

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I'm back!

Sorry for this late update.

I  have new, better rules! Now, I'm going to choose ANYONE who got the right answer in the comments! Not just the first person, it could be ANYONE!

So, when I found this riddle, it said that the answer was a donut. But, @wittleone1 , stated how the whole in the middle of a donut (yes Kosta, or BAGEl :p) is still the middle. @wittleone1 said how the answer is space, and space has no beginnning, middle or end!

Therefore, @wittleone1 is the winner!!

You are very smart!

Today's riddle :

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

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