Riddle #84

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Hey guysss

Sorry I haven't updated in a while ;)

Winner : Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville! XD (@ericah2000)

Answer : A palm tree! :P (lol . . it was kind of a joke :P)

Btw, I just wanted to say that I know, I know, the riddles I've been posting lately aren't exactly riddles. I know you want longer, more challenging riddles, but they've just been hard to find. I also really like using riddles that you suggest me, because it just makes the readers more involved - which I love :)

I searched for a while and found this riddle. Hope you like it! :)


A very important man is about to take a trip to Iceland. He is awoken in the middle of the night by his security guard the night before he is supposed to leave. His guard tells him he needs to take a boat rather than a plane, because he just dreamt that the plane was going to crash. The guard leaves because it's the end of his shift.

The man listens to his guard and takes a boat. Soon after arriving in Iceland he hears that the plane he was supposed to go on crashed. When he arrives home he fires his guard.


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