Riddle #88

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Sooo sorry it's been a month since I've updated!

School has been extremely stressful, but not I have a long weekend so yay! :D

Winner : @gabsterworld! ;)

Answer : Annalise thought that since she met the man at a funeral, show would be able to meet him again at another funeral.

This riddle is actually used to see if people are psychopaths. Usually normal people do not think so violently...

So if you got it wrong, congrats! You're not a psychopath!

If you got it right, (all 200 of you!) well then....O_o


A young man walks through the forest. He comes to a bridge. In front of the bridge is a large man carrying an axe. The man says, "If you want to cross this bridge, you must tell me a statement. If I think the statement is true, you will be strangled to death. If I say the statement is false, your head will be chopped off." A few minutes later, the young man walked over the bridge, while the larger man stood pondering. What was the statement the young man had given?

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