Riddle #50

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Hey guys!!

I'm really excited to announce that we made to NUMBER 50!!!

Woo hoo!!

Fifty riddles!! Yay!!!

And since I'm evil . . .

I've made new rules >:D

1. You have to vote for the chapter

2. You fan me (if you want)

3. Comment with what you think is the correct answer to that day's riddle :)


So . . .

Are you ready for. . . .

Answer! His horse's name was Friday :)



And. . . .


A wealthy family lives in a circular house. The parents leave on a trip, and when the come back they find that their daughter has been killed. They ask the butler, the cook, and the maid what they had been doing at the time. The butler says that it was Sunday, so he was taking the day off. The cook said that he was preparing sandwiches for lunch. The maid said that she was sweeping the corners of the house. Who's lying?

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