Riddle #87

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Hi everyone ;)

Winner : Amanda Awesomeness! (Awesome_Kirby_098)

Answer : He was cleaning the building from the inside xD

TODAYS RIDDLE (I'm excited to see who gets this one!) :

At her Great-Aunt's funeral, Annalise sees a man that she immediately falls in love with. Her family members claim that he is a stranger that was not invited to the funeral and that they did not know why he was there. Annalise approaches the man and begins to speak to him. He introduces himself as George O'Vellau. Before Annalise could ask him where he was from and why he was at the funeral, the man left. Annalise spent the next few years searching for this man that she just knew was the love of her life. She couldn't find him or anyone that knew him at all. Desperate to find this mysterious man, Annalise killed her brother - but she had a reason to. Why did Annalise kill her brother?

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