Riddle #73

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@Leena1223 took down her book guys! Please don't be mad at her, she didn't mean to cause trouble. Thanks for helping me, but it's over now so please don't hate on her. I advise everyone to follow her and check out her awesome joke book! Thanks

Winner : Aoife ODP (@RiddleDragon4) -P.S., I love your name!

Answer : The electric chair because the power's out!

TODAY'S RIDDLE : (from awesome @dafluffyunicorn!!!)

A mute man needs a toothbrush and goes to the store. By making the motion of brushing his teeth, he communicates with the owner of the store and is successfully able to buy the toothbrush. Now, a blind man needs sunglasses, so he goes to the store. How does he tell the owner he needs sunglasses?

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