9| Jason ~•~ Hazel

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He was welcomed onto the ship by a group of anticipating teenagers, and, oddly enough, an anxious sun god. But
when they saw what he held, their faces held horrified expressions. "Oh my gods..." was all Piper could say, her eyes troubled. "Are you sure that this is even Percy?" Frank looked at the horribly mangled body. Apollo simply nodded, "and if we don't work fast, he'll surely die. I'm not for sure what I can do here, but if you give him to me, I can take him to my facility on Olympus."

Leo looked like he wanted to argue, a fire erupting in his eyes, but Jason spoke before he could. "Go ahead. When would we be able to see him..?" He handed the son of Poseidon to Apollo, who simply shook his head, "I'll tell you when I know. For now, just pray he's okay." With that, the god flashed out, leaving the Argo in a grim state.


Hazel bit her lip, as her averted her gaze to the floor. She wasn't one of those kids of Pluto who could easily sense when someone's soul was leaving the world of the living, but she could tell that Apollo would have to be damn good at his job to help Percy come back from the short border between the two which he laid on.

As if sensing her thoughts, Frank pulled her gently into his arms, and held her close as they all sat in silence.

Finally Piper's voice broke the silence, "so...what now?" Jason's bright blue eyes were dim as he lingered in his thoughts, "I suppose we go back to our respectful camps, and try as hard as possible to go about our normal routines. It's what Percy would want us to do.." he thought for another moment, "and also, pray to Poseidon and our parents, and anyone else who could help Apollo make Percy okay again." He looked at all of them. All the others nodded.

A small smile spread on Leo's face. "Sweet words, Jasbro. That being said-- I'm staaaaaarrrrrving! Who says we have some lunch?!" Leo asks, doing a good job of lightening the grim mood. The demigods smiled and nodded. "I'll go check on Nico." Hazel says quietly to Frank. Frank looks down at her with his deep brown eyes, "are you sure?" She nodded, "would you like me to go with you?" He continues to look at her, as if trying to read her zooming thoughts. "No," she says, "I'll be fine." She smiles as she gets onto her tip-top and kisses his cheek gently. "And I'll come an eat soon," He smiles back at her, which cause her stomach to erupt in flying butterflies.

With that, Hazel went to the Argo II's infirmary, seeking the one person who could hopefully sooth her zooming thoughts.

(A/N: Hey guys!
I'm sorry this is so short.
I had no inspiration for this, and I kinda feel like this sacked so idk.
I hope you're all doing well and stuff and yeah.

-Dream_rider out

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