2| Percy

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In the Dream

Annabeth and Percy were on the beach shortly after the war. His hand was laced in her's. "So," she asks with a smile on her face. "What were your plans for New Rome?" I rolled my eyes, thinking she was joking. "You're serious?" She nods her head. "I love you Seaweed brain. I don't care where we go or what we do with our lives; I love you. I want to live the rest of my life with you." I smiled a little too soon because just then the scene changed and I found Annabeth talking to someone who I could feel the evil radiating off of him. "Are the monsters ready yet, my lord?" The man shook his head, "it takes some time for even me to reform them directly from Tartarus. Especially since that puny demigod, Jackson killed them all. Which reminds me, do you plan on staying loyal on this side? Annabeth nodded, "ever since Luke died there's nothing left for me there. Everyone mocks my wisdom." The man nodded, "understandable. Since you plan on staying loyal to this side I shall give you powers. With this touch you'll be the primordial goddess of fear and shadows. You'll have wings made of hell fire. Do you accept?" Annabeth nodded "it would be my honor lord End." He touches Annabeth who doesn't even flinch. She's surrounded by hell fire so pure that you couldn't see her through it. When the power transferred is done the hell fire deteriorates. The tips of her hair are as black as the hell fire she was just spat from. Her once pure grey eyes now had an evil glint and black splotches in them. She had wings of pure hell fire. End nodded in approval. Since you are my second in command to me but first to my army you need a lieutenant. She smiled evilly. "Luke, Luke Castellan."

Percy woke up to Annabeth slapping his face. "Wake up Seaweed Brain." She said the word Seaweed Brain with fake sympathy, "guess what? We decided to bring you a new friend." She smiled evilly, leaving Percy clueless. He couldn't think of any monsters that he had known for a long time. He hoped that one of his friends from camp wasn't here too. He prayed it wasn't his mom or Paul. That left one person... Oh no. "I knew you were a seaweed brain but I thought you would have it figured out by now. Just then a the fat, smelly, drunk walked out of the shadows. Only this time around, he had thousands upon thousands of sharp shark like teeth. He smiled a sinister smile. "Did you miss me, step son." He walked up, blade in his hand and started digging it into his arm carving words that even Ambrosia can't heal. Annabeth threw a bucket full of sea water on Percy leaving him confused. Just then Gabe cut him again only this time there was something more on the blade-gorgon poison. Percy started thrashing as the poison ran threw his veins. He tried the same technique he used in Tartarus but he couldn't concentrate, the pain was way too strong to. Annabeth ran up to me, "Seaweed brain, are you okay?" Her voice was laced in fake concerned as she broke both of his legs one by one and screamed in agony as they carved more words into my skin. "Don't worry, your Olympians won't be here anytime soon." 'Help' was all he could think before Percy lost consciousness.

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