Should I Tell?

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An hour, an hour I've been sitting here, outside my hotel room, unable to get in. Where are Alyssa and Cammy, I thought they would follow me out of Hunter's room. If they had, or if I hadn't walked out this wouldn't have happened. I feel sick, I can't even force myself to get up, I need my best friends, I know where they are, they probably went to Melody's room. I need all three of them, they would know what to do. But I can't make myself move, I know I'm just going to sit here, with my knees to my chest, till Cammy and Alyssa return. Suddenly I heard a door close down the hall and voices head my way.

"Hey" I said weakly, faking a smile.

"Hey, why're you out here?" Cammy asked looking confused.

"I didn't have my key" I said meekly.

"So you just sat out here? Why didn't you text us?" Alyssa asked sitting beside me on the floor.

I was having an internal battle, half of me wanted to tell them every thing, I've always told them every thing. But the other half wanted to let it go and never mention it again. That would be better for everyone wouldn't? I'd made my mind up, there was no need to tell them, I would just keep it to myself and it wouldn't matter.

"I knew you guys would be back soon or you were with Melody and I didn't want to ruin your fun"

"Aww you didn't have to do that" Cammy said.

Alyssa and Cammy both looked at me before hugging me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired, it's almost 12"

"Oh wow you're right, I don't want to waste our last day in Houston sleeping, I'm going to bed"

Alyssa unlocked the door and walked in, followed by Cammy and I. I just want to shower and go to bed, so that's what I did. I took a shower, blow dried my hair, and put on my colorful pair of spandex I couldn't wear in a game with one of my dad's old tshirts. I stopped before I pulled the shirt over my head.

"Have you talked to my mom? Is she coming back tonight?"

"No, she's staying with Melody's mom because there's "too many people in our room" and the only people in Melody's room is her and her mom" Cammy said aggravated.

"Okay" I said putting the shirt on.

It was my favorite shirt of my dads, it still smelled like him, I couldn't wear it when my mom was around though, I missed my dad and my sisters. I didn't understand when my mom and I left, I still don't. I could feel tears forming in my eyes from thinking of home, I miss home, I miss my family, I  understand why when my parents spilt I was the only one forced to move to Texas but that didn't mean I liked it.

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