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Author's Note- It's been awhile since I updated so you might want to reread the last update, maybe pay specific attention to Jill's feelings towards her accent😏😉


After breakfast we all started to clear the table.

"Do you have any plans for today?" My dad asked as I put my plate in the sink.

"No, I don't believe so"

"Well the slip n' slide is in the garage along with a few packages of water balloons"

"That sounds awesome, I'll go tell everyone" I said excited.

I went into the living room to find everyone sprawled out on the couch and floor.

"What're you doing on the couch on a day like this?" I questioned.

"There's nothing to do" Mario groaned.

"Oh contraire my friend" I paused for effect.

"There's a slip n' slide in the garage, we're going outside today" I smiled.

Everyone's faces lit up before they all ran to change, the girls and I went to my room and the boys took turns in the bathroom. Once everyone was ready we all headed outside to the garage. My dad was already out there working on his truck.

"Where's the slide at?" I asked.

"It's back against the wall behind your softball bat and things"

Hunter and Geo headed over and lifted the slide up before carrying it to the front yard and laying it down.

"I'll go get the water hose" Blake said jogging over to the hose.

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Blake's POV

"Hey, Blake!" Jill's dad yelled when I got to the water hose next to the garage.


"Do you know anything about cars? I need some help"

"Uh, I don't know much, maybe some of the other boys do, I'll go get them" I offered.

He nodded and I headed back to the boys who were setting up the slide.

"Can you all come here?" I asked.

Everyone looked up before coming towards me.

"Oh, no sorry, I just meant the boys"

The girls looked at each other before shrugging and heading back to the slide.

"What bro?" Weston asked.

"Jill's dad wants our help"

When we reached the garage her dad looked up at all of us.

"Wow, there's a lot of y'all"

We laughed along with him as he began to explain what he wanted us to do.

"Blake I need you to check the carburetor to make sure it's working"

"Okay I can do that"

"Hunter, right?"

"Yes sir" Hunter replied.

"Can you check the alternator bearings?"

"I uh...I'm not exactly sure what that is sir" Hunter said embarrassed.

Jill's dad frowned and looked slightly annoyed.

"I'll do it" He grumbled.

Hunter stepped aside and looked at the truck trying to figure out what everything was. Jill's dad gave us all instruction and we set to work, Hunter, Weston, and Mario had easy jobs while Geo, Mark, and I helped her dad with more crucial tasks.

"If you don't mind me asking sir, why do you have such a heavy southern accent if Jill doesn't?" I asked to break the tension.

"She does" he stated simply.

I saw Hunter look up confused.

"Um, she really doesn't"

"She does, she just doesn't like it" he chuckled.

"Really? How come I've never heard it?" Hunter interjected.

"She probably covered it up when she moved, she's always been shy, she most likely didn't want another reason to stand out"

I nodded before working on the truck again.

"I have a video from when she was younger, her accent is pretty evident, do you boys want to see it?" He said smiling.

"Of course, whenever you'd like to show us" I said.

"How about now?"

The boys and I all agreed and set our tools down to follow Jill's dad.

"Oh, there's some water balloons on the shelf right there, if that's any use to you later since you're going to go on the slide"

I looked at Weston who had a mischievous grin on his face. He grabbed the water balloons and headed into the house.

As we got to the living room, Jill's dad started the video and we all sat down. When the video started it was Jill's back porch covered in snow, there was a little girl trying to walk around the ice covered porch.

"Is that Jill?" Hunter asked.

"Oh no, that's her older sister"

As the video progressed it was obvious the video was from inside the house recording out the glass door. The boys and I were confused why this was the video we were watching until another girl ran to the glass door and started yelling to the girl outside. Her accent was heavy as she encouraged the girl around the porch.

"Come on, jus' a little bit mo'" The little girl yelled causing the boys and I to laugh.

I was about to ask if this was the right video when the little girl turned to face the camera, making all the boys stare.

"That's Jill?" Weston yelled as question.

Her dad chuckled and nodded. Jill looked so different, she was missing a tooth, her hair was light brown and tangly, and she was smiling the whole time the camera was on her. The boys and I began elbowing Hunter as Jill continued to talk.

"There's your girl" I heard Weston whisper while laughing.

"Stop you jerks" Hunter laughed as his attention stayed on the video.

He smiled as he watched her dance around and giggle. As the video ended we all began to head back outside to the truck to finish working but Hunter didn't get up, he was still looking at the tv.

"Do you have anymore videos?"

Jill's dad gave him a strange look but nodded and motioned to a box on the floor.

"Do you mind if we watch a few more? Jill hasn't told us much about her childhood" I interjected.

"Sure, just put them back and don't mess them up" Her dad warned.

I nodded as he headed out the door, Geo, Mark, and Mario following behind him.

"Weston aren't you going?" Hunter asked.

"Are you kidding I'll be able to get Jill back for all the jokes she makes about me"

After watching a few more videos we all decided to head out and help finish the truck.

"Wait! Guys come help me" Weston exclaimed.

Hunter and I turned to see him standing at the sink opening the package of water balloons.

"What're you doing?" Hunter asked.

"What I do best" Weston smirked as he started to fill the balloons with water.

Hunter and I shared a look before smiling and heading over to Weston.

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