Oh No

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With that we headed over to the line making sure not to be to close to the front so the guys couldn't see us. Once the line started moving, everything went pretty quickly. Before I knew it we were almost to the front, I could see the boys lineup, Julian, Jovani, Geo, Brandon, Mark, Mario, Weston, Hunter, and last was Blake. Since Geo was close to the front we tried to get Cammy to go first but she wouldn't do it, I ended up being the one who had to go first, as we got closer and closer to the front I got nervous. When we finally reached the front of the line I tried to block out any nerves. I took a deep breath and hurried over to Julian giving him a hug. When he realized who I was he looked down at me confused.

"Well hi"

"Hi" I laughed still hugging him.

"What're you doing?"

"Pranking the boys"

"Okay, well then let's take our picture and get you down to your boy" Julian laughed.

After taking pictures with Julian, Jovani, and Geo, I got to Brandon. He looked at me confused before laughing when he saw my shirt.

"Shh don't make Hunter look over here" I whispered.

He laughed again before hugging me and posing for a picture. After Mark and Mario next was Weston, and since I had his shirt on I was going to make it dramatic. I hurried over to Weston and hugged him tightly. When I stepped back and he saw my shirt and who I was he started smiling.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I finally get to meet you, you're my favorite" I said laughing.

Weston pulled his phone out and quickly got on snapchat.

"Aye everyone look it's my girlfriend! Say hi!"


"Isn't she cute" Weston said loudly. When the snapchat ended he looked over at Hunter who was waiting for the next girl, me, but wasn't paying much attention. Weston held his phone up again and started another video.

"Hunter! What do you think of my girlfriend?" Weston said turning so his back was to Hunter but the camera could see us and Hunter. When Hunter looked up Weston put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"She's pretty isn't she Hunter?" Weston teased.

I started laughing at Hunter's expression when he realized it was me. After the snapchat ended Weston and I posed for a picture and I headed over to Hunter smiling at him.
When I reached him I hugged him and held onto him.

"What're you doing in line?"

"The girls and I just wanted to surprise you all"

"Well it's definitely surprising to see you're a Weston girl, last time I checked you were mine" He laughed.

"The heart wants what the heart wants" I laughed.

"Well, we have to keep the line moving babe, I'll see you later" Hunter said before leaning in to kiss me on the cheek.

I'm known for messing things up but not this bad. The same time Hunter went to kiss me I turned my head to say goodbye and he kissed my lips. He pulled away quickly and we froze. There was an eruption of screams from the fangirls who saw it. I felt my face go completely red. This can't be happening, I don't like attention I don't want these people looking at me. I quickly walked over to Blake and didn't even worry about what I was doing. I hugged him to hide my face from everyone.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

"No, the fangirls are going to hate me"

"No they won't, you turned your head to talk, Hunter will explain to everyone it was an accident and it will be okay, no one will hate you and no one will know you're dating" Blake assured me pulling away from our hug to look at me.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise"

He hugged me one last time and I hurried over to a corner where I knew was a door to backstage. What have I done.

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