Date Night (Pt.5)

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Hunter's POV

After Mario left it was just Mark myself, Weston, and Blake, I was still getting ready because I procrastinated and waited till 20 minutes before I needed to go get Jill to get ready. Mark was still getting ready because he'd been running around trying to figure out what to say to Alyssa. I had rehearsed what I was going to say a thousand times, I knew exactly how I wanted to ask her. I checked my phone to see it was almost 6.

"Oh god! I have to go!" I said quickly putting my phone in my jeans pocket and heading out the door. On the way down the hall I stopped by a mirror and tried to fix my hair, until this point I wasn't nervous, but now I realized this was my only chance. I straightened out my shirt and sighed before continuing to Jill's room. I knocked on the door and heard footsteps come to the door and I was almost certain they were looking through the peep hole in the door so I looked down. The footsteps walked away from the door and I started getting even more nervous. I was about to knock again when the door opened. A smile instantly covered my face and I lost all thoughts other than ones about the beautiful girl in front of me. She knew I wouldn't pick anywhere super fancy so she'd picked out black skinny jeans, a grey shirt, an army green vest, and black combat boots. She looked hot to say the least.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked her.

"How did I?" She said smile.

"You're so cute, anyway, come on babe, I picked the perfect place" I put my arm around her waist and led her outside.

The place I'd picked out wasn't far at all so I decided we would walk there so we didn't waste time waiting for an uber. As we walked we played 20 questions, it was pretty basic questions, like our favorite colors, music, and things like that.

"Um, can I ask about your family?" I asked slowly.

She slowed her walking pace until she'd stopped and faced me.

"What do you want to know?"

"What're your sisters like? And why did your parents get a divorce?"

She stiffened, I could tell by her eyes I had struck a nerve, I asked a question I shouldn't have.

"I'm sorry, forget I asked, don't worry about it!" I sputtered quickly.

"It's okay, I just don't want to talk about it tonight, I want to have fun" she gave me a weak smile.

I dropped the subject completely and we headed on down the sidewalk. As we got closer I saw Jill eyeing the building, I knew she wanted to go in, I made a good choice. I grabbed her hand and walked towards the door.

"No way! Hunter are we really going?" She asked getting excited.

I smiled at her and pulled her through the door. When we enter the main lobby there were colorful lights everywhere and music playing.

"Hunter I love laser tag, oh my gosh!" Jill said smiling widely.

"Go on up there and get our vests, then wait for me" I said pointing up a set of stairs to where there was a rack of vests and laser guns.

She nodded and headed up the stairs, when she reached the top I walked over to the front desk and paid for an hour long game.

"Here you go" The girl, not much older than 17, working the desk said handing me my tickets and winking.

I didn't know what to do so I smiled, thanked her, and headed towards the stairs.

"Hey wait! You forgot something!" She yelled to me.

I turned around and headed back to the desk.

"Did I forget my change or something?" I asked very confused.

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